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GIT: Working with Remote Repositories

Hello again! By this point we are pretty sure that you know enough about the Git basics and can handle your own repositories pretty easily. This is fine if you are the only one working on your project. You can commit your changes, create and merge branches to keep your repository clean.

But we are still missing out on something. What if you are not the only one working on the project? *Gasp! * Don't worry, we are here to teach how to work with remote repositories. What is a remote repository, you ask? Well consider this...

You are currently working on your awesome project and decide to bring in somebody who can help out and work alongside you. But...but...they can't work in your repository, they need access to it on their own machine. They can create a copy of the repository and continue working. This process is called Cloning. So now, you are both doing well, you're committing often, using branches etc. but on different machines. So how do we bring all that work together?

Much like you merge branches, you can also merge repositories. Some people prefer to stick to the decentralized nature of Git, while some prefer to host the repository on a central server elsewhere.

We'll learn more about remote repositories in the coming chapters. When you are working on a large project, you have to share your progress with others. This is achieved by using remote repositories. Let's move on to the next chapter and start working with remote repositories.