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All questions must be answered. Here are the Answers given by this user in the Forum.

Your USB trigger is probably running as a Low speed USB device (bus frames at 125usec) causing a minimal 8ms delay (hardware issue). Maybe try a PS2 keyboard instead ?
3 years ago
Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier. It can compute MD5 and SHA-1 hash values.

Download, extract the files, then open a command prompt, go to the extracted path and then type the following command:

**fciv -md5 filepath\filename.extension**
For example:

**fciv -md5 d:\programs\setup.exe**
3 years ago
If you're using msysgit with the OpenSSH tools, you need to either create ~/.ssh/id_rsa, or create a Git configuration in ~/.ssh/config which points to your key.

Here's an example of a Git configuration for Bitbucket that will use the correct username, and a key other than the default key (in case you maintain one key for SSH connections, and another for Git accounts).

User git
IdentityFile /C/keys/yourkey.key
Once in Git Bash, you can run two commands to add your key to your current session's ssh-agent to avoid having to repeatedly type the key's password.
eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add /C/keys/yourkey.key
3 years ago
Within the server block you can also do the following:
# Force HTTPS connection. This rules is domain agnostic
if ($scheme != "https") {
rewrite ^ https://$host$uri permanent;
3 years ago
***$ sudo apt-get install sshpass
$ sshpass -p your_password ssh user@hostname***
3 years ago
Just to clarify, this is more likely to be a result of misbehaving 3rd party apps not using the CreateFile API call correctly than it is to be anything in Windows itself. Perhaps it's a consequence of the design of CreateFile, but done is done and we can't go back.

Basically when opening a file in a Windows program you have the option to specify a flag that allows shared access. If you don't specify the flag, the program takes exclusive access of the file.

Now, if Explorer seems to be the culprit here, it may be the case that that's just on the surface, and that the true culprit is something that installs a shell extension that opens all files in a folder for it's own purposes but is either too gung-ho in doing so, or that doesn't clean up properly after itself. Symantec AV is something I've seen doing this before, and I wouldn't be surprised if other AV programs were also to blame. Source control plug-ins may also be at fault.

So not really an answer, but just some advice to not always blame Windows for what may be a badly written 3rd party program (something that can also happen on any other OS which has implicit file locking, but any unix based OS has shared access by default).
3 years ago
It sounds like are in slightly over your head; that's ok. Call your boss and start negotiating for an emergency security response budget. $10,000 might be a good place to start. Then you need to get somebody (a PFY, a coworker, a manager) to start calling companies that specialize in security incident response. Many can respond within 24 hours, and sometimes even faster if they have an office in your city.

You also need somebody to triage customers; Doubtless, somebody already is. Somebody needs to be on the phone with them to explain what is going on, what is being done to handle the situation, and to answer their questions.

Then, you need to...

1. Stay calm. If you are in charge of incident response, what you do now needs to demonstrate the utmost professionalism and leadership. Document everything you do, and keep your manager and executive team apprised of major actions you take; this includes working with a response team, disabling servers, backing up data, and bringing things online again. They don't need gory details, but they should hear from you every 30 minutes or so.

2. Be realistic. You aren't a security professional, and there are things you don't know. That's ok. When logging in to servers and looking at data, you need to understand your limits. Tread gently. In the course of your investigation, make sure you don't stomp on vital information or change something that might be needed later. If you feel uncomfortable or that you are guessing, that's a good place to stop and get an experienced professional to take over.

3. Get a clean USB stick and spare hard drives. You will collect evidence here. Make backups of everything you feel may be relevant; communication with your ISP, network dumps, etc. Even if law enforcement doesn't get involved, in case of lawsuit you will want this evidence to prove that your company handled the security incident in a professional and appropriate manner.

4. Most important is to stop loss. Identify and cut off access to compromised services, data, and machines. Preferably, you should pull their network cable; if you cannot, then pull the power.

5. Next, you need to remove the attacker and close the hole(s). Presumably, the attacker no longer has interactive access because you pulled the network. You now need to identify, document (with backups, screenshots, and your own personal observational notes; or preferably even by removing the drives from the affected servers and making a full disk image copy), and then remove any code and processes he left behind. This next part will suck if you don't have backups; You can try to untangle the attacker from the system by hand, but you will never be sure that you got everything he left behind. Rootkits are vicious, and not all are detectable. The best response will be to identify the vulnerability he used to get in, make image copies of the affected disks, and then wipe the affected systems and reload from a known good backup. Don't blindly trust your backup; verify it! Repair or close the vulnerability before the new host goes on the network again, and then bring it online.

6. Organize all of your data into a report. At this point the vulnerability is closed and you have some time to breath. Don't be tempted to skip this step; it is even more important than the rest of the process. In the report, you need to identify what went wrong, how your team responded, and the steps you are taking to prevent this incident from occurring again. Be as detailed as you can; this isn't just for you, but for your management and as a defense in a potential lawsuit.

That's a sky-high review of what to do; most of the work is simply documentation and backup handling. Don't panic, you can do that stuff. I strongly recommend you get professional security help. Even if you can handle what's going on, their help will be invaluable and they usually come with equipment to make the process easier and faster. If your boss balks at the cost, remind him that it's very small when compared to handling a lawsuit.

You have my consolations for your situation. Good luck.
3 years ago
From "Linux Filesystem Hierarchy", section /lost+found":

As was explained earlier during the overview of the FSSTND, Linux should always go through a proper shutdown. Sometimes your system might crash or a power failure might take the machine down. Either way, at the next boot, a lengthy filesystem check using fsck will be done. Fsck will go through the system and try to recover any corrupt files that it finds. The result of this recovery operation will be placed in this directory. The files recovered are not likely to be complete or make much sense but there always is a chance that something worthwhile is recovered. Each partition has its own lost+found directory. If you find files in there, try to move them back to their original location. If you find something like a broken symbolic link to 'file', you have to reinstall the file/s from the corresponding RPM, since your file system got damaged so badly that the files were mutilated beyond recognition. Below is an example of a /lost+found directory. As you can see, the vast majority of files contained here are in actual fact sockets. As for the rest of the other files they were found to be damaged system files and personal files. These files were not able to be recovered.
3 years ago
Firstly, you need to use quotes for special characters. Second, even so, grep will not understand alternation directly; you would need to use egrep, or (with GNU grep only) grep -E.

**egrep 'foo|bar' *.txt**
(The parentheses are unnecessary unless the alternation is part of a larger regex.)
3 years ago
The Home key was also used for the tilde character on old terminals.
3 years ago
From a user's perspective, a nice & simple Unix tool that does the job perfectly is qsubst. For example,

**% qsubst foo bar *.c *.h**
will replace foo with bar in all my C files. A nice feature is that qsubst will do a query-replace, i.e., it will show me each occurrence of foo and ask whether I want to replace it or not. [You can replace unconditionally (no asking) with -go option, and there are other options, e.g., -w if you only want to replace foo when it is a whole word.]

How to get it: qsubst was invented by der Mouse (from McGill) and posted to comp.unix.sources 11(7) in Aug. 1987. Updated versions exist. For example, the NetBSD version qsubst.c,v 1.8 2004/11/01 compiles and runs perfectly on my mac.
3 years ago
Python generates the error message you present in your question whenever you call the int() builtin function with a string argument that cannot be parsed as an integer; and, in fact, the error message shows you the precise string it was trying to parse as an integer: namely ‘0.25’.

How to fix the error? It depends on what you want to do.

If what you want is to parse and convert the string to a numeric value, this particular string clearly contains a numeric representation which is not an integer but a real. The way to “fix” the error in this case is to invoke the float() builtin function, which returns a floating point (real) value. If you really wanted an integer, despite having a real in the string, use int(float(your_value_here)). Note that this converts the string to a floating point value, which is then converted to an integer via truncation—that is, by discarding the fractional part. Applying these functions to ‘0.25’ will produce a result of 0. If, on the other hand, you wanted the floating point value, just use float().

Or, perhaps, you didn’t expect the ‘0.25’. In this case, find where that string comes from and fix the problem at the origin. Can’t help you there, though, as I don’t know your code and how that string got to the int() call.
3 years ago