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Linux is a free and open source operating system that is based on the Unix operating system. It was created by Linus Torvalds in 1991, who started the project as a hobby. Linux is now one of the most popular and widely used operating systems in the world, powering millions of devices such as servers, desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, IoT etc.

Linux is not a single operating system, but a family of operating systems that share the same kernel (the core component that manages the hardware and software resources) and some common utilities. There are hundreds of Linux distributions (or distros) that are customized for different purposes and preferences.

Latest version of Linux:

The Linux kernel is constantly being updated and improved by thousands of developers around the world. The latest stable version of the Linux kernel as of June 2023 is 6.

The latest versions of some popular Linux distros are:

Ubuntu: 23.04
Debian: 11
Fedora: 37
Red Hat: 9
CentOS: 9
Arch: Rolling release

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Why learn Linux?

Linux is a powerful, reliable and open source operating system that can be used for various tasks and applications.

Here are some reasons why you should learn Linux:

1. Free and open source

Linux is free to use and modify as per your needs. You can also access and modify the source code of Linux and contribute to its development and improvement.

2. Secure and stable

Linux is known for its security and stability. Linux can run for long periods of time without crashing or slowing down.

3. Flexible and customizable

Linux can be customized to suit your preferences and requirements. You can choose from hundreds of Linux distros that offer different features and functionalities. You can also tweak the appearance and behavior of Linux using themes, icons, wallpapers, etc.

4. Compatible and portable

Linux can run on almost any hardware platform, from low-end devices to high-end servers. Linux can also co-exist with other operating systems such as Windows or Mac OS using dual booting or virtualization techniques. Linux can also run from a USB drive or a CD without installing it on your hard disk.

5. Skillful and employable

Learning Linux, which is widely used in IT, will help you gain valuable skills and knowledge that will make you more employable and competitive in the job market.

Applications built using Linux:

Many software and applications have been built using Linux or run on Linux platforms, some popular names are:

  • Android: The most popular mobile operating system in the world is based on the Linux kernel. Apart from Android, there are other operating systems based on or derived from Linux, such as Chrome OS, Tizen, Sailfish OS, etc.
  • Servers & Cloud: Linux is the dominant operating system for server and cloud computing. It powers most of the web servers, email servers, database servers, file servers, etc. that run the internet.
  • IoTs: Many devices that use embedded systems run on Linux platforms, such as smart TVs, routers, cameras, drones, etc.

If you are interested in learning Linux, you came to the right place. In this Linux guide series, we cover everything from the basics to advanced topics. We also provide exercises and quizzes to let you test knowledge and skills. We are excited to explore the wonderful world of Linux.