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chcon command for change the security context of a file or directory

chcon (short for change context or change security context)This command allows you to change the SELinux security context of a file or directory. We can specify the new context, as we saw in the cp example, or we can specify any of the user portion through -u user, the role portion through -r role, the type through -t type, or the security portion through -l security.

Syntax -

chcon [OPTION]...[-u USER] [-r ROLE] [-l RANGE] [-t TYPE] FILE...
chcon [OPTION]... --reference=RFILE FILE...

Brief description of options available with the 'chcon' command.




Create a backup of every destination file


Force copy by removing the destination file if needed


Interactive – ask before overwrite


Create hard/symbolic link rather than physical copy


Follow symbolic links


No file overwrites


Recursive copy (including hidden files)


Update – copy only if source newer than destination or destination missing


Verbose (output each step as it happens)


Use RFILE’s security context rather than specifying a CONTEXT value


Operate on files and directories recursively

-v, --verbose

Output a diagnostic for every file processed


If a command-line argument is a symbolic link to a directory, traverse it


traverse every symbolic link to a directory encountered


Do not traverse any symbolic links (default)


Display this help and exit


Output version information and exit

Running chcon command in Linux terminal

Example :

View security context of a file

To display the security context of a file use ls command with -Z option. Use the following syntax:

ls -Z path_to/file

Change the security context using a reference file

To use another file's security context to the file use chcon with --reference option. Use the following syntax:

chcon --reference=reference_file target_file

Specify the full SELinux security context of a file

You can exactly specify the security reference by using the following syntax.

chcon user:role:type:range/level filename

Change only the user part of SELinux security context

To only specify the user part of the security context with -u flag by using the following syntax.

chcon -u user file

Change only the role part of SELinux security context

To only specify the role part of the security context with -r flag by using the following syntax.

chcon -r role file

Change only the type part of SELinux security context:

To only specify the type part of the security context with -t flag by using the following syntax.

chcon -t type file

Change only the range/level part of SELinux security context

To only specify the range/level part of the security context with -l flag by using the following syntax.

chcon -l range/level file

Recursively change SELinux security context

Use -R option to change the security context of all files in the directory recursively using the following syntax.

chcon -R system_u:object_r:httpd_config_t:s0 directory_name


In this tutorial, we have used the chcon command line utility to change the security context of all files. We discussed different ways like, changing individual parts of the security context, using other files as reference and traversing symbolic links.

About the author:
Pradeep has expertise in Linux, Go, Nginx, Apache, CyberSecurity, AppSec and various other technical areas. He has contributed to numerous publications and websites, providing his readers with insightful and informative content.