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Top 15 Linux Text Editors

A text editor, sometimes known as a code editor, is a tool that allows you to code and edit in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and a variety of other programming languages. Syntax highlighting, simple navigation, configurable interfaces, search and replace options, and other features are standard in most editors.

There are two types of text editors in Linux:

Text editors with command-line interfaces: Vim is a good example since it allows you to launch the editor from the command line. System administrators will appreciate this while modifying configuration files.
Text editors with a graphical user interface (GUI): This sort of text editor has a graphical user interface but cannot be used from the command line.

Here are some of Best editors :

  1. Sublime Text
  2. Vim
  3. Nano Editor
  4. Atom
  5. Microsoft visual studio code
  6. Emacs
  7. Notepadqq
  8. Text editor bluefish
  9. gvim
  10. JDE editor
  11. Light Table Edior
  12. Micro text editor
  13. Kakoune Code Editor
  14. Medit
  15. Leafpad
  16. Kwrite/Kate
  • Sublime Text

What distinguishes Sublime Text is its ability to make advantage of each operating system's natural features. Sublime Text is thus one of the most resource-efficient choices.

Advantages: Sublime Text is extremely customisable in terms of both design and functionality (using plugins). Sublime has a Goto Anything tool in add ition to several of the standard editor features (such as coloured syntax and searchability). With a single keystroke, you may search within or outside the application, as well as open and modify files. It also supports multiple selections, so you may highlight and modify many lines at the same time.

Disadvantages: Despite being meant to ease operations, Sublime Text has a severe learning curve. It is free to use, but it features an extremely obtrusive popup system that prompts users to purchase a licence.


  • Vim

Almost all Linux distributions, including earlier ones, include the Vim editor. Vim is an abbreviation for Vi Better, which means that it is a modified and improved version of the original Vi text editor.

Advantages: Vim has automated commands, digraph inputs (which are handy in programming), split and session screens, tabs, coloured schemes (color-coded by function), and tagging. It is plugin-configurable and includes a tutorial (invoked with the vimtutor command). Vim is highly efficient after you've mastered the commands.

Disadvantages: It lacks a graphical user interface. The only method to start Vim is from the command line. The interface is difficult to use, and certain instructions are difficult to understand.Coding a file from scratch would be too complicated. Although the learning curve is severe, Vim is immensely popular in the Linux community.


  • Nano Editor

Nano is a redesigned version of Pico, an older editor that comes standard with most Linux instals. Nano is an excellent lightweight editor for beginning users. It's much easier to use than Vim, so learning Nano for rapid setup changes is worthwhile.

Advantages: include GNU Autoconf support, interactive search-and-replace, auto-indent, and spellcheck. Nano is simple to use and straightforward. The keystroke instructions are listed at the bottom of the editor, so you don't have to remember or look them up.

Disadvantage: The command list is minimal, and some may be confusing.


  • Atom

Atom is a popular open-source code/text editor that works on several platforms including Windows, Mac, and Linux. Atom is also widely regarded as one of the best Python code editors.

Advantages: Atom offers color-coded syntax, intelligent autocomplete, numerous windows, and a search-and-replace function. It also includes its own plugin package management, allowing you to quickly expand its capabilities. You may also manually alter the appearance by utilising themes. Thanks to a new plugin called teletype, you can n ow share workspaces with the other Atom users.

Disadvantages: Most users will need to change the default settings. Atom will struggle to operate on low-spec PCs, especially if you load many projects.


  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code

You may be familiar with the option to instal Microsoft Visual Studio Code if you've installed Anaconda on Linux. VSCode, despite being from Microsoft, is cross-platform, meaning it works on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

Advantages: Visual Studio Code is a lightweight yet capable editor with a large library of add-ons.Some of these include additional programming language support, debuggers, and commands. This text editor is ideal for creating JavaScript apps and working in multi-platform settings.

Disadvantage: When compared to the other text editors on this list, VSCode may not always work correctly on Linux, particularly Ubuntu. It is also known to consume a significant amount of memory and CPU resources. Furthermore, it may be slower than other text editors.


  • Emacs (GNU Emacs)

GNU Emacs is a text/code editor for Linux professionals developed by Richard Stallman, the GNU project's creator. Emacs allows you to write code, view a manual, and compose an email all from the same interface.

Advantages: It contains content-aware editing modes, thorough documentation and a tutorial, fantastic language support, and an extension package management. It also works with other GNU programmes, such as an organiser, mail client, calendar, and debugger.

Disadvantage: It is not suitable for everyone. If you have a variety of responsibilities and want a standardised interface, Emacs is a good choice. It's intended for Linux power users, so if that's you, give it a shot.


  • Notepadqq

Notepadqq is a Linux editor inspired on the Windows programme Notepad++. Despite the fact that the projects are managed by separate developers, Notepadqq is a close match to Notepad++.

Advantages: Tabbed projects, color-coded syntax, syntax highlighting, auto-tabbing, and a strong search-and-replace tool are all supported by Notepadqq. It comes with a smart-indent feature that remembers the indentation settings from the previous line. Another advantage is how quickly it translates data between different types of character encoding.

Disadvantage: Notepadqq supports over 100 languages, but when compared to other text editors, its feature set may appear inadequate.This can open any text file but lacks tag matching and auto-completion.


  • Text Editor Bluefish

The goal of the bluefish text editor is to make coding more approachable. It is compatible with most systems, so you may use it on Linux, Mac, or Windows.

Advantages: Bluefish may be upgraded with plugins and supports common features such as color-coded syntax, auto-indent, and tag and class auto-complete. It also has an auto-recovery mechanism in the event of a power interruption or system crash. It arranges data and code in an intuitive and easy-to-read manner.

Disadvantages: Bluefish is not constantly updated and is already out of date. It's helpful if you're new to coding or altering configuration files. However, several complex capabilities are difficult to locate, and the user interface is not designed for expert users.


  • gVim

The gVim text editor is an improved version of the Vi and Vim editors.

Advantages: If you're already familiar with Vi and Vim, you'll love gVim's additional features. Encryption, pop-out menus, and cross-platform compatibility are among the choices. gVim processes large files more efficiently than other text editors. Another useful feature is that gVim switches between insert and command cursors.

Disadvantages: Because the gVim editor requires a graphical interface, it is incompatible with systems that do not have one. gVim, like Vi and Vim, has a high learning curve, thus it might not be the ideal choice if you're not familiar with the Vi/Vim editor.


  • JED Editor

JED is a command-line text editor with a graphical user interface. It is accessible on the majority of platforms.

Advantages: The usage of drop-down menus in JED makes it more natural for users who are accustomed with word processors. It provides color-coded syntax for many different programming languages and has extensive plugin support. JED also consumes less system resources, making it a great solution for older systems.

Disadvantages: Very few users have expressed dissatisfaction with the JED editor.


  • Light Table Editor

Light Table is just an integrated desktop environment for evaluating software. It functions as a text editor, but its major feature is live code feedback. Most operating systems support Light Table.

Advantages: Light Table has in-line code evaluation, which allows you to test code without compiling it. It also runs the code as you type it, allowing you to debug as you go. There are several plugins available to extend Light Table's capabilities. It's also rather quick, even without a high-end hardware.

Disadvantages: Because Light Table is currently in its early phases of development, it does not yet support all programming languages. It also has a low learning curve because the commands are not visible on the screen. Light Table is also reliant on a web browser, limiting its applicability on text-only platforms.


  • Micro text editor

The Micro text editor is intended to supplement the Nano text editor. It is compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac.

Advantages: Because Micro is a terminal-based text editor, it may be used without a graphical user interface. It also has current enhancements like color-coded syntax, plugins, copy/paste, and undo/redo. It has a terminal emulator to directly execute commands when running in a graphical interface.

Disadvantages: Micro still needs hotkeys to do operations, which some users dislike. Micro also lacks several of the next-generation capabilities that distinguish graphical text editors.


  • Kakoune Code Editor

Kakoune is an alternative text editor for Linux. Instead of concentrating on inserting/composing text, it focuses on navigating around existing content. In this regard, it is comparable to the Vi/Vim editor in that it employs many modes, such as insertion mode and command mode.

Advantages: Kakoune has the most up-to-date features, such as color-coding, autocomplete, and on-screen support. One significant advantage is the ability to establish several options. Kakoune simplifies and intuitively manages the workflow of producing and maintaining files.

disadvantages: akoune is only available on Linux-based platforms. Despite its improvements, it is still based on the Vi/Vim framework, which may turn off users who are more acclimated to word processors.


  • Medit

Medit is yet another open-source, cross-platform text editor for Windows and Linux.

Advantages: Medit provides standard text-editor features like find/replace, color-coded syntax, and plugin compatibility. It also has a split view for working on several files at the same time. It's an excellent editor with a lot of functionality, but nothing stands out.

Disadvantages: Medit is intended for use with graphical interfaces. It features a conventional command menu bar, however it appears to lack extensive documentation.


  • Leafpad

Leafpad is a Linux-based text editor that is intended to be simple and lightweight.

Advantages: Leafpad consumes less system resources, making it an excellent solution for older computers. It has a good feature set that is enough for basic editing. For short, uncomplicated projects, Leafpad would be an ideal secondary editor.

Disadvantages: Leafpad isn't designed to be a full-fledged text editor. For speed and efficiency, it includes some of the more complex functions, such as multiple documents.


  • Kwrite / Kate

Kate is an abbreviation for KDE Advanced Text Editor. KDE is a Linux desktop environment (graphical user interface). Kate does not require the KDE desktop, which may be installed on Windows, Linux, or Mac.

Advantages: Kate lets you to edit numerous documents simultaneously. Color-coded syntax, customisation, and plugins are all supported. Kwrite is a lightweight programme for quickly opening and editing a single file. Kate / Kwrite is a good editor to use if you use the KDE desktop environment.

Disadvantages: There aren't many complaints regarding the Kate editor.



This tutorial should help you determine which Linux editor is appropriate for your requirements. Each code editor we looked at has advantages and disadvantages.

About the author:
Pradeep has expertise in Linux, Go, Nginx, Apache, CyberSecurity, AppSec and various other technical areas. He has contributed to numerous publications and websites, providing his readers with insightful and informative content.