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FEBRUARY 22, 2023

How to Import Other Python Files Using import Module

    As a Python developer, the question of how to import other Python files has likely plagued your thoughts on multiple occasions. The act of importing other Python files is a crucial and fundamental concept in programming that has the potential to save you a significant amount of time and effort. However, the process of importing Python files is not always a simple task, and there are certain intricacies that must be understood to ensure a seamless import.

    In essence, the method of importing other Python files involves utilizing the "import" statement, which is succeeded by the name of the file that you wish to import. For instance, if you possess a file designated as "," which consists of specific functions that you intend to employ in another file, you can easily execute the task by merely inputting "import example" into the file in which you aim to employ those functions.

    Nevertheless, the process of importing files is not always as straightforward as it initially appears. In this article, we will look into numerous approaches that can be employed to import Python files, including absolute and relative imports, and explore when and how to utilize these methods optimally. Additionally, we will highlight some best practices and common pitfalls that should be avoided when performing these imports.

    How to Import Other Python Files Using import Module

    How to import Module in Python

    To import a module, use the import statement followed by the name of the module.
    For example, to import the math module, you would use the following import statement:

    import math

    Once you've imported the module, you can access its functions and variables using the dot notation. For example, if you wanted to use the sqrt function from the math module, you would write:

    import math
    result = math.sqrt(16)

    You can also import specific functions or variables from a module using the from keyword. For example, to import only the sqrt function from the math module, you would use the following statement:

    from math import sqrt
    result = sqrt(16)

    It is also possible to import multiple functions or variables at once using the from keyword. For example, to import both the sqrt and pow functions from the math module, you would use the following statement:

    from math import sqrt, pow
    result = sqrt(16) + pow(2, 3)

    Steps to Import Other Files in Python

    You can import other Python files into your script by using the import statement. Here's how you can do it:

    1. Make sure the file you want to import is in the same directory as your script, or is located in a directory that's part of your Python path.

    2. In your script, use the import statement followed by the name of the file you want to import, without the .py extension. For example:

      import my_module

    3. After importing the file, you can access its functions and variables using the module name followed by the name of the function or variable, separated by a dot. For example:
    result = my_module.my_function(arg1, arg2)
    1. You can also import specific functions or variables from a module by using the from keyword and the import keyword. For example:
    from my_module import my_function
    result = my_function(arg1, arg2)

    It's a good practice to use a unique name for each module you create, to avoid naming conflicts with other modules that might be imported into your script. Additionally, you can use the as keyword to give the module a different name when you import it, like this:

    import my_module as mm
    result = mm.my_function(arg1, arg2)

    This can be useful when the original name of the module is too long or too similar to another module name.


    Python is a popular programming language with a unique feature that enables the import of other Python files to help its functionality. This feature enables the creation of complicate programs and applications that are applicable to a diverse range of applications. The process of import additional Python files is relatively straightforward, requiring only a fundamental comprehension of Python programming.

    In conclusion, Python's importation feature is a powerful tool that enhances the language's functionality and enables the creation of complex programs and applications. Utilizing the "import" statement, programmers can access functions and variables contained within imported files, streamlining the programming process. The modular approach to programming facilitated by the importation of Python files leads to efficient collaboration, code reuse, and increased productivity.

    Archishman Gupta is Fan of technology and all things Python. Informing readers with interesting writing about technological developments. Dedicated to helping more people understand advanced technological concepts.