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In Java, you can convert a String to an int using various methods provided by the language. Here are some common approaches:

Using Integer.parseInt():
Copy code
String str = "123";
int intValue = Integer.parseInt(str);
System.out.println(intValue); // Output: 123
Using Integer.valueOf():
Copy code
String str = "456";
int intValue = Integer.valueOf(str);
System.out.println(intValue); // Output: 456
Using Integer.decode() (accepts decimal, octal, or hexadecimal representations):
Copy code
String str1 = "789";
String str2 = "0xFF"; // Hexadecimal representation for 255
int intValue1 = Integer.decode(str1);
int intValue2 = Integer.decode(str2);
System.out.println(intValue1); // Output: 789
System.out.println(intValue2); // Output: 255
It's important to note that these methods will throw a NumberFormatException if the input String cannot be parsed as a valid integer. So, when using any of these methods, make sure to handle this exception appropriately, especially if you're getting the String input from user input or external sources. You can use try-catch blocks to handle the exception and take appropriate action if the input is not a valid integer.
10 months ago
thanks for your guidance
10 months ago