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You should try to disable 'secure boot' option in the UEFI options, had the same problem.
3 years ago
Because AMD was the first one to release 64-bit x86 (x86-64) CPUs.

the AMD64 architecture was positioned by AMD from the beginning as an evolutionary way to add 64-bit computing capabilities to the existing x86 architecture, as opposed to Intel's approach of creating an entirely new 64-bit architecture with IA-64.

The first AMD64-based processor, the Opteron, was released in April 2003.

In fact, in the kernel the 64-bit support is called 'x86_64' to refer to the fact that both AMD and Intel (and others) implement those instructions.
3 years ago
You can create a distro simply by creating your own package repository with customized packages in it. That's all a distro is. It doesn't matter how big or little the changes are.

So if you wish to fork a distro, just copy the entire source repository, change whatever packages you want, and the publish the repo as your own (making sure you don't violate any licensing agreements of the distro you're copying from).

That by definition, is creating a new distro.
3 years ago
To update individual packages, specify the package with either the update or install command, so in your case it will be like this:
***zypper update firefox
zypper install firefox***

A list of all new installable packages can be obtained with the command:
***zypper list-updates***
3 years ago
I've ended up using nvm

after installation using
***nvm install node
nvm use node***

and I've got versions node v10.4.0 and npm v6.1.0.
3 years ago
The **id** in the partition table doesn't have to have anything to do with what's actually in the partition. For example, there's no type for an XFS filesystem -- people just use "linux" (83). fdisk will say HPFS/NTFS until you change the partition type:
***fdisk /dev/sdb
t 1
3 years ago
You cannot do this because for such a conversion, you need to know the meaning of the binary content.

If e.g. there is a string inside a binary file it must not be converted and a 4 byte integer may need different treatment than a two byte integer.

In other words, for a byte order conversion, you need a data type description.
3 years ago
You can use the perl library libtext-lorem-perl. Here a short example, feel free to expand it to parse command line arguments, etc.
***#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Text::Lorem;

my $text = Text::Lorem->new();
$paragraphs = $text->paragraphs(10);

print $paragraphs;***
3 years ago
Without requiring a temporary file:
*** zcat somefile.gz > somefile***
3 years ago
Assuming the calendar is embedded in the Gnome shell, rebooting the shell might work. By terminal you can go gnome-shell --replace, or you can try Alt + F2 + R.

If that doesn't work it might be possible to debug the extension, or otherwise set up a hierarchy that defaults to the usual Gnome calendar when the Google calendar is inaccessible.
3 years ago
jq is a json processor (like sed for json) which can also be used to pretty-print json documents.
***cat yourfile.json | jq***
3 years ago
Oh yes, now you can! There is ZFS on Linux Project. ZFS has been successfully ported to multiple platforms and now there is a a functional Linux ZFS kernel port.

Use Ubuntu + Native ZFS for Linux PPA.
Use RPM-compatible distributive for example CentOS or OLE.
You can compile package by yourself from sources for your Linux distributive.
3 years ago