Overview of C Language
Compile & Run C Code
What are Variables?
C Operators (with Examples)
See all →
Armstrong Number Program
Check Number is Odd/Even
First n Prime Numbers
Reverse String using Pointer
See all Programs (100+) →
MCQs to test your C language knowledge.
Run C programs and code examples online.
C++ Datatypes and Modifiers
sizeof and typedef
Create Class and Object
Check if Number is Positive/Negative
Half Pyramid with Numbers
Floyd's Triangle
MCQs to test your C++ language knowledge.
Run C++ programs and code examples online.
Python Installation & Setup
Concept of OOP & Class
Access Modifiers
Python Projects →
Print Colored Text in Python
Remove Numbers from String
Compare two Dates
See all How Tos (80+) →
MCQs to test your Python knowledge.
Run Python code examples in browser.
Setting Java Environment
Concept of Constructor
Running a JAR File
Serialization and Deserialization
See all Examples (80+) →
Spring Framework
Spring Boot
Spring Security
Java Library Functions
Type Conversion Examples
Java 11 Features
Basics Of Digital Components
Different type of Logic gates
Memory organization
Types of Computer Networks
Transmission Mediums
ISO/OSI model
Types of Operating System
Process Scheduling
CPU Scheduling
First come First Serve
Shortest Job First
Classical Synchronization Problem
What are Semaphores?
What are Deadlocks?
ER Model
Relational Algebra & Calculus
Types of DBMS Keys
Database Normalization
Datatypes in PL/SQL
PL/SQL Procedures
How to create Cursor?
MongoDB vs. RDBMS
Installing MongoDB
Using MongoDB with Java
Practice SQL Query in browser with sample Dataset.
If you are a school student or you have recently joined your college and you want to learn web development from scratch, then you have to start with HTML basics. HTML is used to code webpages. In this course you will learn HTML, along with multiple tricky coding exercise where you will code simple webpages yourself.
This Course is FREE forever 🥳
Enroll in Course
The entire course is divided into Levels, with each level having multiple Lessons. Each lesson has a coding exercise.
Say Hi! to HTML
Introduction to HTML Tags
Head and Body tags
Title Tag aka <title>
Heading using Header Tag
Paragraph Tag
<br>, <hr> and Comments
Basic Text Formatting
Creating Hyperlinks
Working with Images
Hyperlinking a Picture
Quick Revision
Start with Result
Prepare the Structure
Add a Heading
Charm of a Picture
Description Required!
Text Formatting
Link Link Hyperlink
BOOM! We are done.
Recap:Text Formatting Tags
Time for some Styling
Changing Text Color
Playing with Text Size
Text Alignment
New Fonts for your Text
Changing Background Color
A Little more...
Time to Move On
Listifying the Content
Ordered Lists
Customizations in List
List inside List
Introduction to Tables
Rows in a Table
Column in a Row
More Rows and Columns
Table Body and Head
Adding Heading to Columns
Customizing your Table
Time for some Exercise
My Web Portfolio
Lay down the Structure
Start from the Top
Name the King!
Small Tagline about you
A Little more about you
Showcase your Hobbies
A Table for something
Stuff the Table up
Wow! It looks great
Divine Separation
Deep Dive into <div>
What the SPAN!
The End
Create Complex Webpage - Intro
HTML Page Structure
Multi DIV for Body
Align Sidebar and Main
Overflowing Content
Woohoo! Congratulations
What is HTML Form?
Start with a Label
Creating an Input field
Label <code>for</code>?
Placeholder to help users
Big input area - Textarea
Radio Buttons
Checkboxes for multiple choices
Time for Dropdowns - <select>
Creating Button in Form - <button>;
Form field to Upload Files
The Submit button
Woohoo! Celebrations.
Start with End
Create the Form Structure
Email field for Form
Password field for Form
Submit button for Form
Creating TODO List
Name your Webpage
First Todo List Item
Finish the TODO List
Woohoo! Project Complete
HTML <pre> tag
HTML <code> tag
HTML <sub> tag
HTML <sup> tag
HTML title attribute
HTML <iframe> tag
Using <style> and <script> tags
Let the music play - <audio> tag
HTML <video> tag
HTML <canvas> tag
This is the End!
Please complete the Course first and then work on Projects.
A very basic project to help you understand how to use form fields to create small apps.
Here are some free resources for HTML.
Once you have completed the HTML course, you can generate your certificate of completion.
Frequently asked questions related to HTML. Here we have answers to some of the commonly asked questions.