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Are there any disadvantages to always using nvarchar(MAX)?

In SQL Server 2005, are there any disadvantages to making all character fields nvarchar(MAX) rather than specifying a length explicitly, e.g. nvarchar(255)? (Apart from the obvious one that you aren't able to limit the field length at the database level)

2 Answers

When you store data to a VARCHAR(N) column, the values are physically stored in the same way. But when you store it to a VARCHAR(MAX) column, behind the screen the data is handled as a TEXT value. So there is some additional processing needed when dealing with a VARCHAR(MAX) value. (only if the size exceeds 8000)

VARCHAR(MAX) or NVARCHAR(MAX) is considered as a 'large value type'. Large value types are usually stored 'out of row'. It means that the data row will have a pointer to another location where the 'large value' is stored.
A reason NOT to use max or text fields is that you cannot perform online index rebuilds i.e. REBUILD WITH ONLINE= ON even with SQL Server Enterprise Edition.

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