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Chmod 777 to a folder and all contents

I have a web directory /www and an folder in that directory called store.

Inside store are a few files and folders. I need to give the folder store and all files and folders inside the store folder all consents.

How would I do this? I'm speculating by means of .htaccess.

3 Answers

If you are going for a console command it would be:

chmod -R 777 /www/store. The -R (or --recursive) options make it recursive.

Or if you want to make all the files in the current directory have all permissions type:

chmod -R 777 ./
I think you should not use .htaccess file for this purpose.
If you just want to change the mode for the folder, use the following command:

chmod -R 777 /www/store/

to apply this to all files and folders inside the */store
If by all permissions you mean 777

Navigate to folder and

chmod -R 777 .

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