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CSS Level 5 Lesson 8

This lesson is a quick revision of the level and the instruction said that I do not need to do anything, just click the submit btn. However, when I clicked the submit btn, it won't go to the next level and bring me back to the same level 5 lesson 8. Am I misunderstanding the instruction? Any helps will be appreciate.

2 Answers

Try this one

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>CSS Box Sizing</title>
/ Add CSS property box-sizing here/
p, div{
color: #7868e6;
border: 4px solid #4535aa;
padding: 50px;
font-size: 30px;
width: 500px;
<p>Welcome to Studytonight.</p>
Hi kshitjirana14,

Thank you for you reply. I didn't have the chance to test your method because today I just click in the same lesson and it automatilly brought me to the next level. I tried to go back to level 5 lesson 8 and it won't let me so... Seems like some magic just happened!

Thank You.

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