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Fetch a specific branch using git

I tried this:
#git clone git://

Initialized empty Git repository in /home/Hannan/master-next/.git/
fatal: remote error:
Xilinx/u-boot-xlnx/tree/master-next is not a valid repository name
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Even this failed:
# git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/Hannan/u-boot-xlnx/.git/
fatal: remote error:
Xilinx/tree/master-next/u-boot-xlnx is not a valid repository name
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The command that works is:
git clone git://

But how do I know that this will indeed fetch the master-next branch and not the master branch? How do I correctly fetch a specific branch using git?

I am using RHEL 6, accessed via PuTTY.

1 Answer

This command should work:
$ git fetch origin [branch]

The above command only fetches metadata from remote repository, it not does merge sources.

If you want to fetch and merge the sources, the command would be:
$ git pull origin [branch]

Be careful with the branch where you are executing merge command. It will be where the sources are merged.

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