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How can I convert a PNG to a PDF in high quality so it's not blurry or fuzzy?

There are a lot of questions out there about how to convert a PDF file to a PNG image, but I'm looking to take a nice sharp PNG file and just basically wrap it or embed it in a PDF file without having it look blurry or fuzzy.

I realize with imagemagic installed I can do a simple conversion like:
convert sample.png sample.pdf

I've also tried a lot of the switches to set the depth, and also the quality setting:

convert -quality 100 sample.png sample.pdf

How can I convert PNG to a PDF in high quality?

1 Answer

It can be very complicated to get good pdf output from convert. Try img2pdf instead. From the readme:

Lossless conversion of images to PDF without unnecessarily re-encoding JPEG and JPEG2000 files. Thus, no loss of quality and no unnecessary large output file.

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