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How do I get a 30 minute break while working or doing anything on computers?

I am running Debian. Many times I get cramped (or something) for being on the computer for to long. Is there a tool which will tell me after 30-40 minutes to take a break?

I remember seeing something, but I have forgotten what it is called.

2 Answers

Try using the -density option. The default resolution is 72 dots per inch. So try something like -density 300.
xwrits available in the standard repository is another one.
Description: reminds you to take a break from typing
xwrits helps you prevent repetitive stress injury.
xwrits is a small reminder program designed to let you know it is time
to take a break from typing to rest your wrists and prevent any damage
to your wrists (or at least make them feel better if you've already
damaged them). Normally works on the honor system, but if you find
yourself unable to stop typing during your break, it can also lock your

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