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How to declare a variable in a template in Angular

I have the following template :


and would like to end up with :

<div "let a = aVariable">

Is there a way to do it ?

3 Answers


<div ngFor="let a of [aVariable]">

When used with async pipe:

ngFor="let a of [aVariable | async]">
It is much simpler, no need for anything additional. In my example I declare variable "open" and then use it.

<mat-accordion class="accord-align" #open>
<mat-expansion-panel hideToggle="true" (opened)="open.value=true" (closed)="open.value=false">
<span class="accord-title">Review Policy Summary</span>
<span class="spacer"></span>
<a ngIf="!open.value" class="f-accent">SHOW</a>
ngIf="open.value" class="f-accent">HIDE</a>
<!-- Quote Details Component -->
<quote-details [quote]="quote"></quote-details>
Here is a directive I wrote that expands on the use of the exportAs decorator parameter, and allows you to use a dictionary as a local variable.

import { Directive, Input } from "@angular/core";
export class LocalVariables {
@Input("localVariables") set localVariables( struct: any ) {
if ( typeof struct === "object" ) {
for( var variableName in struct ) {
this[variableName] = struct[variableName];
constructor( ) {

You can use it as follows in a template:

<div #local="localVariables" [localVariables]="{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3+2}">
<span>a = {{local.a}}</span>
<span>b = {{local.b}}</span>
<span>c = {{local.c}}</span>

Of course #local can be any valid local variable name.

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