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How to pass password to scp?

I know it is not recommended, but is it at all possible to pass the user's password to scp?

I'd like to copy a file via scp as part of a batch job and the receiving server does, of course, need a password and, no, I cannot easily change that to key-based authentication.

3 Answers

You can script it with a tool like expect (there are handy bindings too, like Pexpect for Python).
just generate a ssh key like:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

copy the content of ~/.ssh/ and lastly add it to the remote machines ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

make sure remote machine have the permissions 0700 for ~./ssh folder and 0600 for ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
If you are connecting to the server from Windows, the Putty version of scp ("pscp") lets you pass the password with the -pw parameter.

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