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Hoxx vpn disabling other browser addons

installed hoxx-vpn addon on my ff browser (debian stretch) and created hoxx account through addon. Removed the addon shortly afterwards and realized other vpn addons would not work as usual - their icons and interfaces work, but my visible IP address is not that of the VPN. Any ideas on what settings to check that hoxx might have altered - or if hoxx might have messed with my OS and not just with my browser?

Thanks a lot

1 Answer

Alright, I found it: if hoxx vpn addon is either disabled or uninstalled, it changes (at least) these 2 settings:

network.proxy.proxy_over_tls to false (true is default)

network.proxy.type to 0, even if another VPN connection is active at that time.

It's the former setting that is rendering the other addons ineffective - the other addons are not touching that setting upon install, since it's boolean type and the default value is the one they need.

I find this to be a very aggressive behavior from hoxx to do this

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