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In level 6 lesson 8 what is the expected outcome.I am writing the correct code but it is showing not matching with expected outcome.

package main
import "fmt"

func areaOfRect(length float64, breadth float64) float64 {
// write code here
return length*breadth


func main() {
area := areaOfRect(7,9)
fmt.Println("Area of Rectangle is: ", area)

2 Answers

The code you provided seems to be correctly written to calculate the area of a rectangle. When executed, it should calculate the area by multiplying the length and breadth parameters given to the "areaOfRect" function. The result is then returned and printed in the main function using fmt.Println.

If you are encountering an unexpected outcome or error message, please provide more details or the specific issue you are facing so that I can help you further.
Thanks sir.Now it is not showing error and the problem is resolved

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