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Lesson 2 level 8 JavaScript -Function Declaration/Definition

Create a function with the name doYoga and add three console.log() statements in it, to define three steps in Yoga.

Inside the console.log() statement, only use alphabet for the message.

This should be easy for you. This is how a basic function is created.

We have added a console.log statement to the code, do not remove it, define your function above it.

function doYoga(){
console.log("Breathe Deep");
console.log("Fold Your Legs");
console.log("Close your eyes");
console.log(typeof doYoga);

I have written this code but it's not working.
Error is:
"Add the third console.log() statement with only alphabets used in the message."
Please someone help me. I am stuck here.

1 Answer

Try this one
// Add function here
function doYoga(){

console.log(typeof doYoga);

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