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Lesson 4 level 5

We have a simple while loop in the editor, which is printing values 0 to 9. We want you to use the break statement, to break out of the loop after printing 5 in the console.

You will have to use if condition for this, we hope you remember how to use it. Please increment the value of x after the if condition, which means add the if condition between console.log() statement and the x++; statement, inside the while loop.

what will the correct code of this exercise? Can someone help me...??

2 Answers

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if(weather == "rainy"){
if(myvehicle == "car")
console.log("I go to the office");
else if(myvehicle == "bike")
console.log("I Work from home");

else if(weather !== "rainy")
console.log("I go to the office");

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