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Lesson 8 level 8( scope of variables)

1. Create a global variable named a using let keyword and give value "Hello" to it.
2. Then, create a local variable named b using let keyword within the function body of greeting() function and give value "Studytonight" to it.
3. Click on the Run and you should get an exception in the output.

/ Add global variable a here*/
let a = "Hello";

function greeting() {
/* Add the local variable here
let b = "Studytonight";

console.log(`${a} ${b}`);
console.log(a + b);

The compiler is showing try again. Please someone help me to find the error.

6 Answers

Try now, it should work.
Nope its not working!!!
Not working
/ Add global variable a here*/
let a = "Hello";
function greeting() {
/* Add the local variable here*/
let b= "Studytonight";
console.log(`${a} ${b}`);
console.log(a + b);
when i click on submit it showing:
*We cannot see anything in the Output panel. Did you Run/Execute the code?

please help me
The error is on variable b in this statement console.log(a + b); because is local variable can not be accessed out of function.
Thank you

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