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Level 3 lesson 6 : Answer not accepting on submit

the system is not accepting the answer even when its right.

In the first console.log() statement, use the AND and NOT logical operator with x and y, such that the output is true.

In the next console.log() statement, use the OR logical operator and single NOT logical operator with x and y. The output should be false.


let x = true;
let y = false;

// apply AND operator
console.log (x && !y );

// apply OR operator

4 Answers

Try with proper indentations bro it will work
I tried bro its still not submitting! Its executing in right way output is also proper but its not submitting. Says use AND and NOT operator with X and y . I am using that only!!!!
Reset*, *Refresh*, *Re-write* the exact same code again and *submitted !*
This is *weird* but problem *solved
let x = true;
let y = false;

// apply AND operator
console.log(x && !y);

// apply OR operator
console.log( !x || y);

give proper indentation please bro

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