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Level 6 lesson 5 c programming

what is the lesson asking I am confused

1 Answer

The if condition (if(1)) is always true because the value inside the parentheses is 1. Therefore, the code inside the if block is executed, and it prints "Pass!" on the terminal.

The else if condition (else if(0)) is always false because the value inside the parentheses is 0. Since the if condition already passed, the else if condition is not checked, and its corresponding code block is not executed.

Finally, the else condition (else) is also not executed because the if condition passed. It is included here as a fallback option in case both the if and else if conditions fail. In this case, it would print "Fail" on the terminal. However, this code block is not reached in the given solution.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
// This is the if condition, which always evaluates to true (1)
// This is the else if condition, which always evaluates to false (0)
else if(0)
// This is the else condition, which is executed if neither the if nor the else if condition passes
return 0;

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