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PC boots straight into Windows 10 instead of launching grub

I recently purchased a laptop, an Acer Aspire R15 with these specs: 17 7500U, 12GB DDR4, 256GB SSD, GTX 940MX 2GB.

It comes preinstalled with Windows 10, but I wanted to install Debian in a dual boot configuration for programming.

Anyways, I installed Debian on the C: drive in a separate partition, and installed grub. When I restarted the PC, it went straight into Windows 10 without launching grub. I did several google searches and ended up trying this, but this method did not work and yet again, my PC booted straight into Windows. I then tried this, which also did not work. I then tried directly installing reFIND through debian after booting into debian with a usb flash drive of refine to try to see if I could use refind as a substitute for Grub, but that also did nothing.

TL;DR: My pc boots directly into windows instead of loading grub, and I tried every method I found to fix this, but none of them worked. Can someone help me get my pc to boot with grub?

1 Answer

Please check your BIOS settings. I faced exact same issue on my HP Laptop which goes directly into Windows 10 bypassing the linux boot options. My issue was resolved by enabling legacy mode and disable secure boot option. Please check similar options in your BIOS too.

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