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Problem in Lesson 11 of level 1 .

I am learning HTML from your site but i got stuck on lesson 11 of level 1 which is asking for Hyperlink a picture. I have written the code but the compiler is not accepting the solution. I am enclosing my code below:
<!DOCTYPE html>
My Webpage Title

<a href = "/"; target = "_self">
<img src="/smiley.png" width="42" height="42" style="border:5px solid black"/></a>
<p><a href="";>Visit!</a></p>

5 Answers

Try this one:

<!DOCTYPE html>
My Webpage Title
<a href=""><img src="";></a>
Thanks for responding on the problem but the answer is not working.
As i can see that, there have an extra '/' on your code.
remove the / before https: and run it again. i hope you get your result.
<a href="";>
Just Copy and Paste it work for me

<a href="">
<img src=""; />
<p>This is an example sentence with a <a href="">link</a> embedded in it.</p>

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