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Problem in submission in terminal

My response is not submitted after doing right code in the terminal
in the given code in terminal i have to change some text formatting. I right code like that-
<h4><p style="color:violet">Do you know?</h4>
then i submitted in terminal but my response in not submitted me

1 Answer

It looks like you are trying to use HTML formatting in your code, but it is not being recognized as valid code.
Here is the corrected HTML code:
<h4><p style="color:violet">Do you know?</p></h4>

Note that this HTML code will not be recognized as valid code in a Go program. If you want to include HTML in a Go program, you need to use a library that can parse and render HTML, such as the 'html/template' package.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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