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Interview Questions for Operating System - 6

This Test will cover the several important concepts of Operating System.
Q. The total size of the address space in a Virtual Memory System is limited by __________.
Q. A Link Editor is a program that __________.
Q. A simple Two-Pass Assembler does the following in the second pass: __________.
Q. A part of the system software, which under all circumstances must reside in the main memory is __________.

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Q. A memory page containing a heavily used variable that was initialized very early and is in constant use is removed when __________.
Q. In a Virtual Memory system, the address space specified by the address lines of the CPU must be __________ than the physical memory size and __________ than the secondary storage size.
Q. The principle of locality justifies the use of __________.
Q. In a Page segmented scheme of Memory management, the segment table itself must have a Page table because __________.
Q. Which of the following page replacement algorithms suffers from Belady's Anomaly?

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Q. A Linker is given object modules for a set of programs that were compiled separately. What information need not be included in an object module?
Q. The capacity of memory units is defined by the number of works multiplied by the number of bits/work. How many separate address and data lines are needed for a memory of 4K X 16?
Q. A ROM is used to store the table for multiplication of two 8-bit unsigned integers. The size of ROM required is?
Q. A 1000 kbyte memory is managed using variable partitions but to compaction. It currently has two partitions of sizes 200 kbytes and 260 kbytes respectively. The smallest location request in kbytes that could be denied is for?
Q. Which of the following is true for Thrashing?
Q. Dirty bit for a page in a page table __________.

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