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APRIL 30, 2021

What is the full form of CV?

    What does CV stand for?

    • CV stands for Curriculum Vitae. It is a written summary of a person's educational qualification and other experiences. It is a profile of a candidate
    • An ideal CV should not be more than 2-3 A4 size pages. There is no need to mention reasons for leaving the previous job, your photo, salary history in your CV. However, these things can be sent separately to the employer upon request
    • CV is very valuable and important because they are your first and only interaction with a potential employer therefore, presentation is key
    • A CV in most commonwealth countries is not more than 2 pages. However, CV in some companies in Asia require photo application, date of birth, and most recent salary information thus are longer.

    What is the difference between CV and resume?

    • In a CV there is no page limit. It includes your profession, experience in education, and experience Whereas in a resume there is a page limit. A resume can not be longer than 2-3 pages. There is no rule on how to format your resume but the most exceptional ones are selected. A resume is a marketing document of a person
    • It is a compilation of your educational and academic records and also your awards and experiences in any field. Whereas a CV is a brief summary of your professional experiences related to the job you applied for.
    • A CV remains the same for various positions whereas a resume can be modified according to the condition of the job
    • a CV is commonly used for academic positions like fellowship, internship postdoctoral positions, or staff openings whereas a resume is used for business, cooperate, and government jobs.
    • CV is lengthier than a resume and includes more information particularly related to someone's educational qualities.

    What all to include in your CV?

    These are the following things to include on your CV:

    • Full name
    • Address
    • Email
    • Phone no.
    • educational qualifications
    • soft skill
    • hobbies
    • achievements
    • computer skills
    • language skills
    • career objective
    • Marital status

    What are the writing tips for a CV?

    1. Keywords:

    Keywords should be included in a CV. A CV or a resume should reflect a candidate's position. Keywords enhance the overall output of a candidate's CV.

    2. Outputs and achievement:

    A candidate should focus on his productive outputs and achievements in his previous jobs. There should be honest evidence for your achievements.

    3. Template:

    A CV should be structured properly. It helps the employer to notice your qualifications and achievements quickly. The presentation of a CV is very important as the first impression is the last impression.

    4. Covering letter:

    CV is often accompanied by a covering letter. The covering letter should emphasize why your application is fit for the role you are applying for. It is the first thing a potential employer sees therefore, it should be spot on.

    5. Proofread:

    Proofread your cv to ensure there are no grammatical errors or spelling errors.

    6. Be concise:

    All of your educational qualifications and awards and achievements should be written in a summarized manner for the employer to read easily. Points instead of big paragraphs should be used.

    7. Tailor the CV to the role

    When you understand what the job is about, you can match your CV specifically to that role. The term generic CV does not exist. Every CV sent to a potential employer should be modified to that specific role. The CV should be unique

    What is the history of the term CV?

    The term CV was first used by Leonardo da Vinci in 1448. They were starting to be approved and expected in job interviews in the 1950s. In 1984 the first guide to writing a CV was published in 1984.


    This article covers everything about Curriculum Vitae or CV. This article takes us through the full form of CV, the difference between CV and resume, what all to add to your CV, writing tips for a CV, and a brief history about the word CV.

    I am the founder of Studytonight & Fullstack developer (MERN). I like writing content about ReactJS, MERN, JavaScript, Docker, Linux, PHP, Go lang, Cloud, Web development, and general Tech related content. I have 10 years of diverse experience in software development.