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To get the value of the selected radio name item with a form id my form
$('input[name=radioName]:checked', '#myForm').val()
3 years ago
You can get the list of files in a directory Using the following code:
namespace fs = std::filesystem;

int main()
std::string path = "/path/to/directory";
for (const auto & entry : fs::directory_iterator(path))
std::cout << entry.path() << std::endl;
3 years ago
You can get the header as a list by simply using this one-liner code.
3 years ago
To move the column mean to first, You can use methods like deque() and rotate(). Let us see how?
from collections import deque

columns = deque(df.columns.tolist())

df = df[columns]

3 years ago
You can use filter method to remove item from array in javascript.
For example:
let array= [5,10,12,3,4];

let value=12;
array = array.filter(element => element !== value);
3 years ago
Modern browsers have Array#includes, which does exactly that and is widely supported by everyone except IE:

**console.log(['joe', 'jane', 'mary'].includes('jane')); //true**

You can also use Array#indexOf, which is less direct but doesn't require polyfills for outdated browsers.

**console.log(['joe', 'jane', 'mary'].indexOf('jane') >= 0); //true**
3 years ago
To create a symbolic link /soft link, use:

** ln -s {source-filename} {symbolic-filename} **

where ln is link command and -s flag specifies a soft command.

For example

** ln -s file1 link1 **
3 years ago
if you want to change permissions of all files and directories at once.
**chmod -R 755 /opt/lampp/htdocs **

if the number of files you are using is very large. Use

** find /opt/lampp/htdocs -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;**

Otherwise use

** chmod 755 $(find /path/to/base/dir -type d)**
3 years ago
For recursive search invoke grep with the -r option or --recursive. Here is an example to find pattern in a given directory.
** $grep -r "pattern/directory_name" **
3 years ago
You can also run this script to find out the Apache process owner:


And then change the owner of the destination directory to what you've got. Use the command:

**chown user destination_dir**

And then use the command

**chmod 755 destination_dir**

to change the destination directory permission.
3 years ago
Use exactly six hexadecimal digits for the escape sequence:
.breadcrumbs a:before {
content: '\0000a0foo';
3 years ago
There are two different things here: the style of the iframe block and the style of the page embedded in the iframe. You can set the style of the iframe block the usual way:

The style of the page embedded in the iframe must be either set by including it in the child page:


Or it can be loaded from the parent page with Javascript:
var cssLink = document.createElement("link");
cssLink.href = "style.css";
cssLink.rel = "stylesheet";
cssLink.type = "text/css";
3 years ago