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All questions must be answered. Here are the Answers given by this user in the Forum.

The idea of mapping an function to array of data comes from functional programming. You shouldn't think about array_map as a foreach loop that calls a function on each element of the array (even though that's how it's implemented). It should be thought of as applying the function to each element in the array independently.

In theory such things as function mapping can be done in parallel since the function being applied to the data should ONLY affect the data and NOT the global state. This is because an array_map could choose any order in which to apply the function to the items in (even though in PHP it doesn't).

array_walk on the other hand it the exact opposite approach to handling arrays of data. Instead of handling each item separately, it uses a state (&$userdata) and can edit the item in place (much like a foreach loop). Since each time an item has the $funcname applied to it, it could change the global state of the program and therefor requires a single correct way of processing the items.

Back in PHP land, array_map and array_walk are almost identical except array_walk gives you more control over the iteration of data and is normally used to "change" the data in-place vs returning a new "changed" array.

array_filter is really an application of array_walk (or array_reduce) and it more-or-less just provided for convenience.
3 years ago
sessionStorage maintains a separate storage area for each given origin that's available for the duration of the page session (as long as the browser is open, including page reloads and restores)

localStorage does the same thing, but persists even when the browser is closed and reopened.
3 years ago
This is an extremely broad scope question, and a lot of the pros/cons will be contextual to the situation.

In all cases, these storage mechanisms will be specific to an individual browser on an individual computer/device. Any requirement to store data on an ongoing basis across sessions will need to involve your application server side - most likely using a database, but possibly XML or a text/CSV file.

localStorage, sessionStorage, and cookies are all client storage solutions. Session data is held on the server where it remains under your direct control.
3 years ago
Calling a parent JS function from iframe is possible, but only when both the parent and the page loaded in the iframe are from same domain i.e., and both are using same protocol i.e. both are either on http:// or https://.

The call will fail in below-mentioned cases:

Parent page and the iframe page are from different domain.
They are using different protocols, one is on http:// and other is on https://.
Any workaround to this restriction would be extremely insecure.

For instance, imagine I registered the domain and sent out links to people's emails. When they loaded up the main page, I could hide a few iframes in there and read their Facebook feed, check recent Amazon or PayPal transactions, or--if they used a service that did not implement sufficient security--transfer money out of their accounts. That's why JavaScript is limited to same-domain and same-protocol.
3 years ago
If you have more than one image and you need something generic that doesn't depend on a naming convention.


$('img').bind('mouseenter mouseleave', function() {
src: $(this).attr('data-other-src')
, 'data-other-src': $(this).attr('src')
3 years ago
Here's a jQuery solution:
$.fn.selectRange = function(start, end) {
if(end === undefined) {
end = start;
return this.each(function() {
if('selectionStart' in this) {
this.selectionStart = start;
this.selectionEnd = end;
} else if(this.setSelectionRange) {
this.setSelectionRange(start, end);
} else if(this.createTextRange) {
var range = this.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', end);
range.moveStart('character', start);;
With this, you can do
$('#elem').selectRange(3,5); // select a range of text
$('#elem').selectRange(3); // set cursor position
3 years ago
How things change in a year. In addition to the header attribute in place of xhr.setRequestHeader, current jQuery (1.7.2+) includes a username and password attribute with the $.ajax call.
type: "GET",
url: "index1.php",
dataType: 'json',
username: username,
password: password,
data: '{ "comment" }',
success: function (){
alert('Thanks for your comment!');
3 years ago
There are five methods to choose from:

setItem(): Add key and value to localStorage
getItem(): Retrieve a value by the key from localStorage
removeItem(): Remove an item by key from localStorage
clear(): Clear all localStorage
key(): Passed a number to retrieve nth key of a localStorage
You can use clear(), this method when invoked clears the entire storage of all records for that domain. It does not receive any parameters.
3 years ago
t's several years later, and the Edge browser now uses Chromium as its rendering engine.
Checking for IE 11 is still a thing, sadly.

Here is a more straightforward approach, as ancient versions of IE should be gone.
if (window.document.documentMode) {
// Do IE stuff
3 years ago
It's really easy to do with github pages, it's just a bit weird the first time you do it. Sorta like the first time you had to juggle 3 kittens while learning to knit. (OK, it's not all that bad)
You need a gh-pages branch:
Basically github looks for a gh-pages branch of the repository. It will serve all HTML pages it finds in here as normal HTML directly to the browser.

How do I get this gh-pages branch?

Easy. Just create a branch of your github repo called gh-pages. Specify --orphan when you create this branch, as you don't actually want to merge this branch back into your github branch, you just want a branch that contains your HTML resources.
$ git checkout --orphan gh-pages
What about all the other gunk in my repo, how does that fit in to it?

Nah, you can just go ahead and delete it. And it's safe to do now, because you've been paying attention and created an orphan branch which can't be merged back into your main branch and remove all your code.

I've created the branch, now what?

You need to push this branch up to github, so that their automation can kick in and start hosting these pages for you.
git push -u origin gh-pages
But. My HTML is still not being served!

It takes a few minutes for github to index these branches and fire up the required infrastructure to serve up the content. Up to 10 minutes according to github.
3 years ago
Use flexbox model
#wrapper {
display: flex;
border: 1px solid black;
#first {
border: 1px solid red;
#second {
border: 1px solid green;
3 years ago
In Bootstrap 5 (see this question), ml-auto has been replaced with ms-auto to represent start instead of left. Since the Navbar is still based on flexbox, auto margins OR flexbox utility classes are still used to align Navbar content.

For example, use me-auto...

3 years ago