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POST, PUT and DELETE Http Requests

In this post we will understand how to implement POST (Create), PUT (Update) and DELETE (Remove) operations in the REST web service.

public String addStudent(Student student)
    return studentService.addStudent(student);


public Student updateStudent(@PathParam("rollno")int rollno ,Student student)
	return studentService.update(student);

public String removeStudent(@PathParam("rollno") int rollno)
return studentService.delete(rollno);


The following methods are added to the Students class and annotated with the @POST, @PUT and @DELETE annotations. The important point to note here is that the @POST method is implemented at the {Root-Path}/Students/.

Therefore, it is the responsibility of the application to generate the roll no and create a new record. The rollno will not be sent in the POST request.

One more important point to note is that, the browser can only send a GET request. So to send the POST, PUT and DELETE request we need to install a REST client. We will install the rest client in the next lesson and send the respective requests from the REST client.