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How to Change the Color of hr Element using CSS?

The <hr> element in HTML represents a horizontal line drawn on the page. This horizontal line can be used for paragraph breaks or any other purpose on the webpage. The default horizontal line has a default gray color but we can change its color.

In this tutorial, we will learn to change the color of an <hr> element using CSS.

Using background-color property

The background-color property can be used to change the color of the <hr> element in HTML. Just add color values to the background-color property.

Example: Add color to <hr> element using background-color property

In this program, we changed the color of the hr tag using background-color property.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Change the Color of hr Tag using CSS</title>
    .red {
	  clear: both;
	  color: red;
	  background-color: red;
	  height: 1px;
	  border-width: 0;	
    <h2>Change color of hr</h2>
	<p> Default hr <p>
    <p>Red color hr</p>
	<hr class="red">


Here is the output of the above program.

gr change color

Using border property

There is yet another way to change <hr> element color. Use the border property to add color to <hr> element.

Example: Add color to <hr> element using border property

In this example, we will change <hr> color using border property.


We learned to change the color of <hr> element using CSS. We can change <hr> element color using background-color property or border property. This property may not change color in some browsers.

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