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Adding Iframe to Webpage Dynamically with given HTML Code

Posted in Tricks   LAST UPDATED: JUNE 8, 2023

    If you want to create an iframe on your webpage dynamically using JavaScript and want to run some HTML code in it, the first solution that will come to your mind would be to save the HTML code in some file and then use that file in the src attribute of the iframe tag to create an iframe and add the HTML code to it.

    But how can you do so dynamically, where you do not have any HTML file to show inside the iframe, rather you just have the HTML/CSS code.

    Well, if this is the problem you are facing, you are in the right place.

    Let's start with a basic solution to this problem. The code below can be used to add simple HTML code, to a dynamically created iframe in your HTML page using JavaScript.

    var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
    var html = '<body>Foo</body>';
    iframe.src = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURI(html);

    But this code will not work for complex HTML code. But one thing is for sure, we will have to use document.createElement('iframe') to create an iframe dynamically using JavaScript, and we will have to append it to the DOM of our HTML page, for which we can either simply add the iframe to the <body> tag like in the above example, or we can add the iframe inside a particular div tag.

    Below is the code, using which we can create an iframe dynamically and then add HTML code to it.

    var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
    // div tag in which iframe will be added should have id attribute with value myDIV
    // provide height and width to it

    In the code above, the variable htmlcode will hold the HTML code that you want to run inside the iframe.

    Code Explanation:

    In the JavaScript code above, we first used the document.createElement() function to create an iframe element. Then we used the appendChild() function to append it to some DOM element on our HTML page, in this case, a <div> tag with id attribute as myDIV.

    Then we opened the iframe and added the HTML code which we want to run inside the iframe using the document.write() function, and then we closed the iframe element.

    This technique will be helpful for you if you want to open some user-specified code in an iframe dynamically and show output.


    The art of adding iframes to webpages dynamically brings forth a world of endless possibilities. By leveraging the potential of HTML code, you have the power to seamlessly integrate external content and elevate your users' experiences. Throughout this article, we have explored the intricacies of adding iframes dynamically, equipping you with the knowledge to incorporate interactive maps, embedded videos, live feeds, and various other engaging elements into your website.

    Unleash your creativity and transform your web pages into immersive digital experiences by harnessing the potential of iframes. With every dynamically added iframe, you invite your users into a captivating journey that transcends traditional boundaries. Embrace the art of incorporating iframes into your web pages and let your imagination soar as you build extraordinary websites that leave a lasting impact.

    Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

    1. What is an iframe in web development?

    An iframe (short for inline frame) is an HTML element that allows you to embed external content, such as a webpage or media, within your website. It acts as a window into another document, seamlessly integrating content from different sources into a single webpage.

    2. How can I add an iframe to a webpage dynamically using HTML code?

    To dynamically add an iframe to a webpage using HTML code, you can use JavaScript or jQuery. By creating a new iframe element and modifying its attributes, such as the source URL, width, height, etc., you can dynamically inject it into your webpage's DOM (Document Object Model).

    3. Can I dynamically change the content of an existing iframe?

    Yes, you can dynamically change the content of an existing iframe using JavaScript. By accessing the iframe element through its ID or class, you can manipulate its attributes, such as the source URL, to load a different webpage or media content dynamically.

    4. Are there any security considerations when using iframes?

    Yes, when using iframes, it's crucial to consider security implications. Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks can occur if you allow untrusted or user-generated content within iframes. Make sure to validate and sanitize any input or content embedded within iframes to mitigate security risks.

    5. Can I style the appearance of an iframe on my webpage?

    Yes, you can style the appearance of an iframe using CSS. By targeting the iframe element with CSS selectors, you can modify its dimensions, borders, margins, and other visual properties to seamlessly blend it into the overall design of your webpage.

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