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Checking whether a String is a Keyword or not in Python

Posted in Programming   LAST UPDATED: DECEMBER 16, 2019

    In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to check whether a string is a keyword or not in Python. It's pretty easy. We can check it in just three lines of code.

    We need a module called the keyword module to check whether a string is a keyword or not. It's a built-in module so, you don't have to worry about anything. Just follow the below steps.

    Steps to Write the Program

    1. Import the keyword module.

    2. Initialize the strings which you have to check.

    3. Invoke the method called iskeyword by passing the string to it.

    4. The method iskeyword will return True if the provided string is a keyword else it returns False.

    Write the code on your own. If you find it challenging, see the code below.

    Here's the code:

    # importing the keyword module
    import keyword
    # initializing the strings
    string1 = 'for'
    string2 = 'or'
    string3 = 'hafeezul kareem'
    # checking whether they are keywords or not using the iskeyword method
    print(f'{string1} is keyword: {keyword.iskeyword(string1)}')
    print(f'{string2} is keyword: {keyword.iskeyword(string2)}')
    print(f'{string3} is keyword: {keyword.iskeyword(string3)}')


    for is keyword: True
    or is keyword: True
    hafeezul kareem is keyword: False


    If you have any doubts regarding the tutorial, mention them in the command section.

    About the author:
    I am a Computer Science Student. I am interested in Programming. I love to know about new technologies.
    Tags:PythonPython Keyword