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MAY 22, 2023

Comparison between SOAP and REST APIs

    Are you also confused between different web services and are wondering what is it, what are the different types of web services? If yes, then don't worry because this article is for you. In this article, we will discuss what is a SOAP API, what is a REST API, and what is the difference between these two.

    So, let's get started.

    What is SOAP?

    SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. As the name suggests, it is a standard messaging protocol that allows processes to communicate via XML and HTTP. It is a language, platform, and transport independent that works well in distributed enterprise environments. It provides significant pre-build extensibility in the form of the WS* standards and has built-in error handling capability.

    What is REST?

    REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an easy to use, fast, and flexible application programming interface (API or web API) that conforms to the constraints of REST architectural style and allows for interaction with RESTful web services.

    When to use SOAP?

    SOAP services should be used in the following situations:

    • If there is a requirement of a guaranteed level of reliability and security then, SOAP is used.
    • When there is a need of formal means of communication, SOAP is used.
    • When there is a requirement of stateful operation, in such case SOAP is used.

    When to use REST?

    REST services should be used in the following situations:

    • REST APIs are more convenient with JavaScript and have support for greater implementation. So for the ease of coding REST should be preferred over SOAP APIs.
    • REST should be used in cases where network bandwidth is a constraint.
    • REST is best used in cases where there is a need to cache a lot of requests.
    • REST should also be used in cases where there is a need to maintain a state of information from one request to another.

    Challenges in SOAP API

    These are the following challenges that are faced by SOAP API:

    • Document Size: One of the major challenges faced by the SOAP API is that large messages cannot be transferred from the client to the server, as bandwidth is a constraint.
    • WSDL file: The biggest challenge of the WSDL file which is the tight contract between the client and the server and that one change could cause a large impact, on the whole, client applications.

    Challenges in REST API

    These are the following challenges that are faced by REST API:

    • Lack of State: REST API finds it difficult to maintain a stateful mechanism. So, it is one of the major drawback of REST API as most of the applications require a stateful mechanism.
    • Lack of Security: REST API have security issues and that is the reason confidential data are not passed between the client and the server.

    Difference between SOAP and REST API:

    Let us summarize the above-discussed points in tabular form:

    SOAP is a protocol. REST is an architectural pattern.
    SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. REST stands for Representational State Transfer.
    SOAP requires more resources and bandwidth. REST API deals with multiple standards, so it takes fewer resources and bandwidth.
    JAX-WS is the java API for SOAP web services. JAX-RS is the java API for RESTful web services.
    SOAP API on the other hand uses services interfaces for business logic exposure. REST API takes advantage of URL exposure for business logic exposure.
    SOAP defines its own security. REST inherits security measures from underlying transport.
    SOAP API used Web Services Description. REST API uses Web Application Description Language.
    SOAP is less preferred. REST is more preferred.
    For SOAP API, when there is a case of miscommunication from service, the result will be the error. For REST API, when there is a case of miscommunication from service, it results in a corrupt API in the end.
    SOAP only works with XML formats. REST works with multiple standards like HTTP, JSON, URL, and XML.
    SOAP APIs are also convenient with JavaScript, but don't have a support for greater implementation. REST APIs are more convenient with JavaScript and have support for greater implementation.
    SOAP cannot make use of REST. REST can make use of SOAP.


    I hope from the above article it is clear what SOAP is, what REST is, when to use SOAP API, when to use REST API, challenges in SOAP API, challenges in REST API, and what is the difference between SOAP and REST API.
