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10 Ethical Hacking Best Practices You Need to Know

Posted in Technology   JANUARY 5, 2024

    Imagine this: you're a cyber sleuth, you're a digital detective on the trail of hidden vulnerabilities, you have cutting-edge software as your tools, and your strongest weapon is your razor-sharp mind. Your mission is to safeguard the digital frontier. This is the exhilarating world of ethical hacking. The good guys don black-and-white hats to expose weaknesses fo software, applications, etc. before the bad guys can exploit them.

    In this blog, we'll delve into the secrets of this thrilling domain. We'll unveil the 10 best practices that every aspiring ethical hacker must master. Read on!

    Ethical Hacking - What is it and What is it for?

    Before we talk about the best ways to do ethical hacking, let's understand what ethical hacking is all about. Ethical hacking is like being a good computer detective. Ethical hackers are allowed to try to get into computer systems, networks, or apps, but it's not to do anything bad.

    Their mission is to find out where there might be security problems. Using their computer skills, ethical hackers make sure everything is safe. They're the heroes, not trying to take advantage of the bad hackers.

    As an Ethical hacker, you must look for security issues in software applications and report the same to the development team so that they can fix it.

    Benefits of Ethical Hacking

    Ethical hacking is the skill of the future because, with the large-scale intervention of technology in every aspect of life, security threats have become more prominent now.

    1. Proactive Risk Mitigation

    Think of ethical hacking as a guard dog for computer systems. These cyber-dogs sniff out vulnerabilities, acting like the bad guys to protect against real threats. This vigilant approach helps keep computer systems safe and secure.

    2. Enhanced Security Posture

    Ethical hacking helps make a company's overall security better. It does this by always checking and making the defenses stronger. Companies can find the weak spots in their systems by doing regular tests.

    This process is called penetration testing and vulnerability assessments. It helps them find and fix these weak points quickly. This way, the security measures are always strong and can handle the changing problems from cyber threats.

    3. Compliance with Industry Standards

    Different industries and areas have special rules about keeping things safe online. Ethical hacking helps companies follow these rules by finding and fixing possible problems. When businesses stick to these rules, they make their security stronger.

    This not only keeps important information safe but also makes customers and partners trust them more. People rely on these businesses to keep their private info safe, and following these rules helps do just that.

    4. Cost Savings

    Putting money into ethical hacking can save a lot of money for companies. By finding and fixing security problems before they cause trouble, companies can avoid losing money from cyber issues. This helps prevent financial losses, legal problems, and harm to the company's reputation.

    The money spent on ethical hacking is a smart investment. It stops big financial problems from happening later because of cyber incidents.

    5. Educating and Empowering IT Teams

    Ethical hacking helps employees learn important things about keeping computer systems safe. The folks on the inside team get to know more about possible dangers, weak points, and ways to stop problems.

    They do this by teaming up with the ethical hackers, who share what they know. This sharing of knowledge makes the company even better at keeping everything secure. It builds a stronger and smarter team of people who work with computers.

    Ethical Hacking Best Practices

    If you want to become a successful ethical hacker, then here are a few things that you should always do.

    1. Continuous Learning

    Cybersecurity is always changing and growing. New problems and weaknesses come up a lot. So, for ethical hacking, it's important to keep learning all the time. There are free online courses that award certificates offered by platforms like Coursera and edX. Also, go to workshops, webinars, and conferences to learn about the newest trends and tools.

    2. Obtain Proper Authorization

    Obtaining proper authorization before conducting ethical hacking tests is very important. It cannot be overstated. Unauthorized access undermines the ethical hacker's credibility. It may also lead to severe legal consequences.

    Seek written consent from the concerned parties before commencing any security testing. For example, organizations may issue formal permission letters. These letters specify the scope and duration of the testing.

    3. Document Everything

    Thorough documentation is a fundamental aspect of ethical hacking. Maintain detailed records of your activities. The report should include the scope of the testing, the methodologies used, the vulnerabilities found, and the steps taken to fix them.

    This documentation aids in ethical hacking. It also serves as a valuable reference for future assessments. Tools like JIRA or Microsoft Azure DevOps can assist in maintaining organized records.

    4. Respect Privacy

    When you're doing ethical hacking tests, you might come across private information. It's super important to handle this information carefully. Follow the rules about keeping data safe and private. Make sure personal or secret info is kept safe.

    If you find important data during testing, tell the right people right away. Follow the steps in place to either safely get rid of it or store it securely.

    5. Simulate Real-World Scenarios

    Good ethical hacking is like practicing for real-life situations. It finds weak points that bad guys might use in actual cyber-attacks. Imagine thinking like a person who wants to do something bad and copy their tricks. For example, ethical hackers might pretend to be hackers using phishing tricks.

    This helps check how well a company can defend itself from tricky attacks. By knowing about possible dangers, ethical hackers can give helpful advice. This advice is used to make sure computer systems are strong enough to handle real problems.

    6. Conduct Regular Vulnerability Assessments

    Doing regular checks for weaknesses in computer systems is more than just doing it once. Use special tools and tricks that work automatically to always watch for possible problems. This way, ethical hackers can quickly find and fix any weaknesses. Tools like Nessus and OpenVAS help do thorough checks for problems.

    7. Follow a Code of Ethics

    Following a set of rules is important in ethical hacking. Being honest and respectful during the testing is a must. Groups like EC-Council and Offensive Security have a clear set of rules. Ethical hackers need to stick to them. This makes sure that they always do their work in the best and most trustworthy way possible.

    8. Collaborate with Stakeholders

    Good communication is really important for ethical hacking to work well. Work together with different groups like system administrators, developers, and managers. Create an atmosphere where everyone talks openly. Share what you find, the risks, and how to make things safer. This way, everyone is on the same team and working together to make cybersecurity better.

    9. Think Beyond Technology

    Even though technology is a big part of ethical hacking, it's also really important to think about how people act. Social engineering attacks use tricks to fool people, not just computer problems. These tricks are happening more and more.

    Ethical hackers need to know about these tricks. They should teach people how to notice and say no to these tricky attempts. Doing fake phishing tests can be a good way to see if a company is easily fooled by these tricks.

    10. Engage in Post-Testing Analysis

    After you finish doing ethical hacking tests, take some time to look back and think about how it went. See if the ways you used to test things worked well and if the suggestions you made were helpful. Getting better at ethical hacking is all about learning from each test.

    Use what you learn to make your skills and methods better for the next time. It's like practicing and getting better each time. Using feedback and looking back at what you did can help you improve in ethical hacking.


    Ethical hacking is crucial in cybersecurity. It helps defend against cyber threats. Professionals in this field can contribute significantly to the ongoing battle to secure our digital world. They can do this by incorporating these 10 best ethical hacking practices.

    Remember, ethical hacking is not just about finding vulnerabilities. We want to make our digital infrastructure stronger. This will make the internet safer for everyone. Stay curious, stay ethical, and stay committed to the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity.

    I like writing content about C/C++, DBMS, Java, Docker, general How-tos, Linux, PHP, Java, Go lang, Cloud, and Web development. I have 10 years of diverse experience in software development. Founder @ Studytonight