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Finding Longest Common Prefix in a List of Strings in Python

Posted in Programming   LAST UPDATED: JUNE 6, 2023

    Have you ever wondered how to find the longest common prefix among a list of strings in Python? Imagine having a collection of words or phrases and needing to identify the common prefix shared by all of them. In this captivating article, we will explore various approaches to solve this problem efficiently using Python.

    By diving into the world of string manipulation and algorithmic thinking, you will discover techniques that enable you to extract the longest common prefix effortlessly. Whether you're a seasoned Python programmer or a curious learner, this article will equip you with the knowledge and skills to tackle the challenge of finding the longest common prefix in a list of strings.

    How to Find the Longest Common Prefix in a List of Strings in Python

    Problem Statement: Write Python code to find the longest common prefix in a given list of strings.

    Sample Input:

    ['car', 'carbon', 'carbonmonoxide']

    Sample Output:



    The obvious way is to start by checking every letter in the list of string. It can be observed that the word car is common amongst all of the strings in the list, and this is the longest prefix. Hence the output.

    Corner case:

    When no common prefix is found, return an empty string. For example in a list ['car', 'carbon', 'vehicle'], return an empty string as output. The first two strings in the given list have the letters 'c', 'a' and 'r' in common, i.e it forms the word 'car' which is common. But the third string in the list doesn't have the word 'car' or the letters 'c', 'a', and 'r' in them in the same order. Hence the output is an empty string.

    Sorting Approach to Find the Longest Common Prefix in a List of Strings

    We will look at an approach that involves sorting the list of strings before checking for the prefix. Also, there are two corner cases here which will be discussed in the explanation section below:

    def longestCommonPrefix(my_str):
        if my_str == []:
            return ''
        if len(my_str) == 1:
            return my_str[0]
        shortest = my_str[0]
        prefix = ''
        for i in range(len(shortest)):
            if my_str[len(my_str) - 1][i] == shortest[i]:
                prefix += my_str[len(my_str) - 1][i]
        return prefix
    my_list_1 = ['car', 'carbon', 'vehicle']
    my_list_2 = ['car', 'carbon', 'carbonmonoxide']
    # this will give an emptry string
    # this will return the string 'car'



    Code Explanation:

    • The corner case is when the list of strings is empty, our code should return an empty string.

    • When there is only one string in the list, return that string as an output.

    • If the list contains more than one string, a common prefix between the two or more strings can obviously be found. For this, sort all the strings beforehand. Initially, define the prefix as an empty string and assign the first string in the list to a variable (since we assume that the first string in the list is the common prefix among all, and is the shortest in length since the list has been sorted). A for loop is run over every character in every string and is compared with the first string. If it is the same, it is added to the empty string variable named prefix. Otherwise, the for loop is exited and the resultant prefix string is returned as output.

    Finding the Longest Common Prefix in a List of Strings without Sorting

    We will look at a different approach that doesn't involve sorting. Sorting takes a lot of time, hence increasing the overhead of time complexity.

    def longestCommonPrefix(my_str):
        if not my_str:
            return ''
        prefix = my_str[0]
        for word in my_str:
            if len(prefix) > len(word):
                prefix, word = word, prefix
            while len(prefix) > 0:
                if word[:len(prefix)] == prefix:
                    prefix = prefix[:-1]
        return prefix     
    my_list = ['car', 'carbon', 'carbonmonoxide']  
    result = longestCommonPrefix(my_list)



    Code Explanation:

    In this approach, the corner case of the empty string is checked for. The list is not sorted and the first element in the list is initially assumed to be the longest prefix. Every word's length is compared to the assumed prefix's length. If the length of the prefix is smaller than the string with which it is compared, the old prefix is retained. Else, the new string is assigned as the prefix. While the length of the prefix is greater than 0, the length of the prefix is taken as the index of the string and compared with the prefix itself. If they are the same, the control goes out of the loop, otherwise, the prefix is reversed and returned as output.

    The time complexity of following the above approach is O(n) (big-oh), where n is the count of characters in the list of strings.


    Conclusion: Finding the longest common prefix in a list of strings is a fascinating problem that showcases the power of Python's string manipulation capabilities. By exploring various approaches and techniques discussed in this article, you now have the tools to solve this challenge efficiently. Whether you opt for character comparison, slicing, or more advanced data structures like the trie, the goal remains the same: to extract the shared prefix among the strings.

    So go ahead and put your newfound knowledge into practice, discovering the longest common prefix in Python and elevating your programming skills to new heights. With this skill in your toolbox, you'll be equipped to tackle similar string-related challenges and solve a wide range of problems in the realm of programming.

    Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

    1. What is a common prefix in a list of strings?

    A common prefix in a list of strings is a sequence of characters that appears at the beginning of each string in the list.

    2. How can I find the longest common prefix in Python?

    One approach to finding the longest common prefix in Python is to compare the characters of the strings in the list one by one until a mismatch is found. Another approach involves utilizing the built-in zip() function and string slicing to extract the common prefix.

    3. What is the time complexity of finding the longest common prefix?

    The time complexity of finding the longest common prefix in a list of strings is generally O(n*m), where n is the number of strings and m is the length of the shortest string.

    4. How do I handle an empty list or an empty string when finding the common prefix?

    If the list is empty, there is no common prefix. If any of the strings in the list is empty, the common prefix is an empty string.

    5. Can I optimize the algorithm for finding the longest common prefix?

    Yes, there are several optimizations you can apply to improve the efficiency of finding the longest common prefix. One such optimization is to use a trie data structure to store the strings and traverse it to find the common prefix.

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    About the author:
    I love writing about Python and have more than 5 years of professional experience in Python development. I like sharing about various standard libraries in Python and other Python Modules.