The need for a degree to make a decent salary in tech seems to be coming to an end. Today, the recruiters are more interested in the skillset and experience an applicant has had in the field, than the college they have graduated from. So, if you have taken an online course and done some work in the field, you are good to go.

The only thing that you need to decide is which path to take and the programming languages that you can learn to upskill yourself.
Here we have listed down six jobs that are high-paying jobs without A degree Or experience, you just have to have the right skillset and the relevant experience to showcase in the interview.
1. Front-End Web Developer

The work of a front-end developer is to create interfaces for the users while interacting with an application. So designing the layout and the specific functions for users to engage are all designed by the front-end developer. For this, the developer must have a very good understanding of what the user wants. Also, they need to understand the basic design principles and the programming languages needed to build websites, like JavaScript and HTML/CSS.
A frontend developer should have an understanding of using REST APIs to use the data and showcase it in the user interface.
The front-end developer also needs to understand how the languages required for back-end programming work and about their technologies. In the US front-end, developers can expect an average salary of $106,637 annually, while in India, it can be in the range of 4 lacs to 15 lacs INR.
You can learn the basics of Frontend development from our interactive courses:
Learn HTML for Free
Learn CSS (A to Z)
Learn JavaScript (for Beginners)
2. Back-End Web Developer

Tools like SQL and Node.js are used by the back-end developers to design and implement systems and resources supporting the front end of an application. along with anyone programming language like Java, Python, etc.
Good back-end programming is quintessential to create an optimal user experience, because all the logic, data saving, and fetching are possible from the backend.
Back-end developers work on systems enabling scraping, processing, parsing, analysing and visualizing data.
Also, the database that stores the application's information is also developed by them, along with REST APIs that the front-end developers use to get data from the backend or post some data to the backend for storing it in the database.
In the US back-end, developers can expect an average salary of $122,445 annually, while in India, it can be in the range of 4 lacs to 15 lacs INR.
3. Full-Stack Web Developer

The whole web development process is taken care of by a Full-Stack Web Developer. For this, they have to have knowledge of both front and back-end development principles and tools.
The full-stack developers might just be called for developing software from scratch, either will the help of a team or on their own. They could also be asked to troubleshoot or improve an existing application.
There are times when Full-stack developers help in solving the problems in web apps after the Cybersecurity specialist discovers an issue, hence the knowledge of the security aspect of the application is also good to have knowledge for a backend developer.
In the US, an experienced full-stack developer can expect an average salary of $108,089 annually, while in India, it can be in the range of 10 lacs to 25 lacs INR.
4. IT Manager

If you are an IT manager in the US you are earning around $89,000 per year and performing different tasks which involve making sure that your IT team accomplishes the aims set by the organization. The IT manager might report to the CIO of the company, which will then help to maintain high-level concepts clearly in mind while managing their teams.
One of the essentials thus for the IT manager thus becomes a solid background in the technologies and tools that drive the IT process. So, they can come up with actionable solutions to the issues that come up.
In India, The IT Manager can earn up to 10 lacs INR a year, and is expected to have a strong background in IT process management, knowledge of Network and Security, and how to enforce compliance on IT devices being used by the employees.
5. Computer Software Engineer

If you are a Computer Software Engineer in the US, you are probably earning around $106,000 per year. and in India, it can be anything between 5 lacs to 20 lacs INR.
You would be given the work of building, developing, implementing a Sofware or any part of a large Software module or maintaining the software solutions for organizations.
Mostly, Software engineers are involved in the first phases of an applicants ideation, which connect the available technologies to problems that are to be solved. Thus, the computer software engineer has to be smooth with his/her interactions with management and the other executives and working with a team in the development process.
The computer software engineer has to code solutions making sure that they contribute to project objectives or the goals of the company, along with conceiving and managing projects. So, the engineer has to have knowledge of multiple coding languages and testing.
Good programming languages to learn are, C Language/C++, Java, Python, C#, and Data Structures and Algorithms.
6. Cybersecurity Specialist

If you are a Cybersecurity specialist in the US, you are probably earning around $114,000 per year. and in India, you should be earning 6 lacs to 15 lacs INR.
You will be made in charge of making sure that the companies digital assets are kept safe, including everything connected to its network, both on-premises and remotely.
A specialist in cybersecurity uses multiple tools which are designed to bolster the defences of an organization. These tools include anti-malware software and firewalls.
Firewalls are generally inspecting all the data coming into and moving out of the network or the devices and checking if there are any threats. Anti-malware software is in check of data packets and files that have malware.
If the company is building Software and using 3rd party modules, then you should verify if those 3rd party modules are secure or not. For a web application, you should have a check on inputs and outputs, if there is a chance of XSS, SQL Injection, etc., and other security threats.
You can start using Kali Linux if you have an interest in Cybersecurity. And should also try your hands in open bug bounties.
So yes, a college degree might secure you a job but if you do not have it, you are still not out of options.
So these are the 6 Jobs that you can get even without a college degree, all you need is the right skill and relevant experience.