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MAY 5, 2024

Hate working with Terminals? Try using Warp

    Warp is an AI-based command line application that will elevate your experience of working with command lines. It converts a command line tool into an IDE-like experience.

    There are many tools available that can make your command line look nice (with themes), give suggestions, auto-complete, etc. features and they are pretty good, no doubt of that. But what Warp has done, was never done before, or at least I didn't come across any such tool before.

    Warp has re-imagined the whole command line experience, with built-in AI, collaborative tools, workflow creation, and the list of features goes on. But for an average command line user, I think, the user interface, AI-driven suggestions, notebooks, and workflows, are enough reasons to switch to Wrap immediately.

    You can download it from here:

    What do I like the most about Warp?

    For me, the most basic features were the ones that I enjoyed the most.

    1. Themes

    My personal favorite is the Dracula theme but there are so many other themes that I am sure that you will like. The themes provided by Warp not only change the background and the text color but the overall appearance of the command line changes.

    warp command line

    The 4 themes that you see in the image above are the ones that you see at the time of Warp setup, but you can go to Settings > Appearance, and you will see the complete list of themes.

    2. Command Suggestions

    In a simple command line tool also, you can see the history of the commands that you have run. But with Warp, you can see the list of history commands simply by pressing the arrow up key.

    You also get the AI command suggestions or smart command completion, as you start typing the command.

    warp command suggestion

    3. Notebooks

    If you create notes or text files to keep all the commands that you run on the command line regularly, the Warp notebooks will help you a lot.

    You can create notebooks from within the Warp tool to create notes. For example, if you use some Docker commands frequently then you can create a notebook to save all the commands related to Docker. You can format the content in the notebooks.

    warp notebook

    You can create multiple notebooks, and access them within the Warp window, and run the commands side by side. So it makes using the command line tool super easy.

    warp command line tool

    Other Features

    There are many more features in the Warp command line tool. You can collaborate with your team, invite your team members, create workflows, Warp AI, etc.

    1. Workflows

    You can create custom Workflows and even share them with your team members. It is like a template that you can reuse by changing a few arguments in it.

    warp worflows

    2. Warp AI

    There is built-in support for AI, and you can directly ask questions to get commands to perform any task in the command line.

    warp AI tool

    3. Collaborate

    You can create a team and invite your team members and even share your Workflows, Notebooks, etc. with them so that all your team members have access to the commands and notes that you use.

    You can also share the output of a command directly with your teammate. So no more copy-paste or screenshots.

    4. Blocks

    The Warp tool combines the command run and its output together and in Warp, it is referred to as a block. This makes it easier to scroll through different commands and their output in a command line window when you have to scroll through multiple command outputs.

    End Note

    If you haven't tried it already, and you are still reading the article, go, download Warp, and take it on a run. You will love it. And if you do love it, then share this article with your team to introduce them to this amazing command line supercharging tool.

    Download the Warp command line tool from website.

    I like writing content about C/C++, DBMS, Java, Docker, general How-tos, Linux, PHP, Java, Go lang, Cloud, and Web development. I have 10 years of diverse experience in software development. Founder @ Studytonight