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How to Add Single Line and Multiline Comments in Python: A Quick and Easy Guide

    Every programming language has the ability to comment. You may grasp your own code better, make it more legible, and aid team members in comprehending how it functions by adding comments.

    Compilers and interpreters disregard comments, therefore they are not executed.

    In addition to improving readability, comments may be useful while debugging; for example, if you have two lines of code, you can comment out one to stop it from executing. Python Language permits comments, much as other programming languages do.

    How to Efficiently Add Single Line Comments in Python

    In Python, you can add comments to your code to make it more readable and understandable for others (or for yourself when you come back to the code later). A comment is a piece of text in your code that the Python interpreter will ignore and will not execute.

    There are two ways to create comments in Python: single-line comments and multi-line comments. In this answer, I will explain how to make single-line comments.

    Comments in Python are written on a single line and begin with the pound sign (#). Everything on the same line after the pound symbol will be ignored by the Python interpreter. Here's an example of a single-line comment in Python:

    python "># This is a example of single-line comment in Python
    print("Hello, World!")

    In this example, the comment is on the first line, and the second line is a print statement. The comment will be ignored, and only the print statement will be executed, producing the following output:

    Hello, World!

    It's important to note that the pound symbol must be at the beginning of the line, with no whitespace before it. If there's any whitespace before the pound symbol, the line will not be interpreted as a comment and will produce an error.

    Single-line comments are commonly used to add brief explanations or clarifications about a piece of code. For example, you might use a single-line comment to explain what a particular section of code does, or to provide information about why a certain code block was included. You can add single-line comments anywhere in your code, and you can add multiple single-line comments throughout your code as needed.

    In conclusion, single-line comments are an important tool for making your code more readable and understandable. They allow you to add explanations, clarifications, and notes to your code, making it easier for others (or yourself) to understand how it works.

    How to Make Multi-line Comments in Python?

    In Python, you can make multi-line comments in two ways:

    1. Using Triple Quotes: You can make multi-line comments by using triple quotes. You can use either single quotes (''') or double quotes ("""). The comment will continue until the next matching set of quotes is encountered. Here's an example:
    This is an example of multi-line comment in Python.
    You can also use triple quotes to make multi-line comments.
    This is a very useful feature when you need to add long explanations or notes to your code.
    1. Using Hash or Pound Symbol (#): Another way to make multi-line comments in Python is by using the hash or pound symbol (#) at the beginning of each line of the comment. Here's an example:
    # This is a multi-line comment in Python.
    # You can use the hash symbol at the beginning of each line of the comment.
    # This is a simple and straightforward way to make comments in your code.

    It's worth noting that in Python, comments are ignored by the interpreter and are only there to provide information to the person reading the code. They are a very important part of writing readable and maintainable code, as they allow you to document your thought process, explain what your code does, and provide context for others who might read it. So, make sure to use them liberally!


    Last but not least, adding multiline comments in Python is a simple and straightforward process that can greatly improve the readability of your code. Whether you're just starting out in programming or have years of experience under your belt, adding well-written comments to your code will make it easier for you and others to comprehend the code's intent and operation.

    Python allows you to add multi-line comments using either triple quotes or the hash symbol. Enhance your Python programming skills to the next level by learning how to use multiline comments correctly.

    Archishman Gupta is Fan of technology and all things Python. Informing readers with interesting writing about technological developments. Dedicated to helping more people understand advanced technological concepts.