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How To Connect Airpods To Android

Posted in Machine Learning   SEPTEMBER 24, 2021

    How to connect airpods to android

    Some pairings in this world are just meant for each other. Peanut butter and jelly. Chandler and Joey. AirPods and Androids.

    No, it is not a typing error, the Apple Airpods are really not exclusively for Apple. In fact, they go with every Bluetooth enabled device. If you have been wanting to get your hands on those Airpods but didn’t want to give up your Android phone, then this is probably the best news you have heard all day.

    Yes, it is also true that you won’t get all the mentioned features that you would with an iPhone. Like the battery indicator won’t be showing the charge on your phone and there will be no Siri to answer your questions, obviously. But yes, you can download the Assistant Trigger app to display battery life on your phone and then launch the Google Assistant as you double-tap an earbud.

    If you are cool with this, then you just have to follow these simple steps :

    • On your Android device, go to Settings, then Connections/Connected Devices, and then Bluetooth and make sure Bluetooth is on.
    • Now open the AirPods case and tap the white button on the back, then hold the case near the Android device.
    • On the list of your connected devices, your AirPods should pop up.
    • Then tap on the name of the AirPods on the screen and your AirPods are paired with your phone.
    • Now you are good to go.

    Now you can just freely take out your android with AirPods plugged in your ears. You might not be able to hear those people around you but their puzzled expressions will be on their faces. You will be the bridge between Apple and Android

    How to connect airpods on android

    About the author:
    Expert technical writer who simplifies complex technological concepts for lay audiences. Focused on providing insightful analysis and entertaining listicles on a wide variety of topics in the technology sector.
    Tags:AIrPods iPhoneAndroid