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How to Perform Google Search using Python

Posted in Programming   LAST UPDATED: JUNE 10, 2023

    If you want to develop a search service utilizing the power of Google Search, you can do so using the Google module in Python. You can use this to develop a backend service for a desktop application or implement a website search or app search with the Python code running on your server.

    How to Perform Google Search using Python

    Perform Google search using Python

    If you are a Python beginner, then you can learn Python from Studytonight.

    You can do the same using the BeautifulSoup module too which is used for web scraping in Python. But the Google module makes it super simple to implement search.

    Installing Google module

    To install the Google module, we can use the pip package installer.

    pip install google

    This will install the Google module, along with its other dependencies. The name of the module installed is googlesearch.

    We will be using the search() function from the googlesearch module.

    search(query, tld='', lang='en', num=10, start=0, stop=None, pause=2)
    • query: This is the text that you want to search for.

    • tld: This refers to the top-level domain value like or com which will specify which Google website we want to use.

    • lang: This parameter stands for language.

    • num: This is used to specify the number of results we want.

    • start: This is to specify from where to start the results. We should keep it 0 to begin from the very start.

    • stop: The last result to retrieve. Use None to keep searching forever.

    • pause: This parameter is used to specify the number of seconds to pause between consecutive HTTP requests because if we hit too many requests, Google can block our IP address.

    The above function will return a Python generator (iterator) that has the search result URLs.

    Perform Google Search

    Now let's use the Google module to perform a search.

    from googlesearch import search
    query = "studytonight"
    for i in search(query, tld="", num=10, stop=10, pause=2):

    In the above output, you can see the links that will be shown on Google search if you open the Google search website and search for "studytonight" text.

    Similarly, you can search for any text, and can even change the tld parameter to search for results on different Google websites.


    Python's versatility extends beyond traditional programming tasks, allowing us to tap into the power of search engines like Google directly from our code. By leveraging Python libraries and APIs, we can perform Google searches programmatically, opening doors to automation, data extraction, and streamlined information retrieval.

    Whether you're building a web scraper, developing a research tool, or exploring data analysis, mastering the art of performing Google searches using Python will undoubtedly enhance your development capabilities.

    Well, that's it for this tutorial. Try using this Python code to get search results from Google programmatically. While using this code, do not name the python file as as that can cause conflict with the module.

    Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

    1. Can I perform Google searches programmatically using Python?

    Yes, you can perform Google searches programmatically using Python. Various Python libraries and APIs, such as BeautifulSoup and the Google Search API, allow you to send search queries to Google and retrieve the search results directly from your code.

    2. How do I install the required libraries for performing Google searches in Python?

    To perform Google searches in Python, you need to install the necessary libraries. You can use pip, the package installer for Python, to install libraries like BeautifulSoup or the Google Search API. Simply run "pip install library_name" in your command prompt or terminal.

    3. Can I extract specific information from the search results?

    Yes, you can extract specific information from the search results using Python. Libraries like BeautifulSoup enable you to parse the HTML of the search results page and extract relevant data, such as titles, URLs, snippets, and more.

    4. Are there any limitations or restrictions when performing Google searches with Python?

    Yes, there may be limitations or restrictions when performing Google searches with Python. Google has certain usage policies and restrictions in place to prevent abuse. It's important to review and comply with these policies, such as respecting query rate limits and using authorized APIs when applicable.

    5. Can I combine Python with other tools or technologies to enhance my Google search capabilities?

    Absolutely! Python can be combined with other tools and technologies to enhance your Google search capabilities. For example, you can integrate Python with web scraping frameworks like Scrapy or utilize natural language processing libraries to analyze and process search results further. The possibilities for integration and customization are vast, allowing you to tailor your search workflow to your specific needs.

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    About the author:
    I like writing content about C/C++, DBMS, Java, Docker, general How-tos, Linux, PHP, Java, Go lang, Cloud, and Web development. I have 10 years of diverse experience in software development. Founder @ Studytonight