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How to Play Google Chrome Dinosaur Game both Online and Offline

    If you are using Google Chrome, you must be familiar with the running Dinosaur game that is available on Chrome browser along with the message "Unable to connect to the Internet" when your network is down, so that you can have some fun while you get your Internet access back.

    Initially, people thought the dinosaur was just an icon on the screen for when the connection was down, but then as someone pressed the spacebar, and voila! the dino started running.

    This has now become a beloved Dinosaur Game. But can you play the game online?

    How to play google chrome dinosaur game

    The answer is Yes. So let's find out how you can play the Dinosaur Game, both online and offline.

    Playing the Google Chrome Dinosaur Game Offline

    This one is pretty easy. Switch off your internet and you can enjoy the dino game.

    Play google chrome dinosaur game online and offline

    When you are having some trouble with your internet, you can just open the Chrome browser and try to visit any website. The error message will appear showing that your net is not working, along with the dinosaur.

    Now, just press the space bar or the up arrow and the game will start.

    To jump over the obstacles, you have to press the up arrow. If you press the button for a longer duration the dino will jump higher.

    You can press the down arrow if you have to duck under something.

    The speed of the dino increases as you keep playing. The game is over as soon as you crash into anything. You can again start the Dinosaur game by pressing the space bar.

    Playing the Google Chrome Dinosaur Game Online

    Don't worry you don’t have to wait for your internet to go down so that you can play the dino game. There are a few different ways you can play the dino game online.

    Play google chrome dinosaur game online and offline

    Visiting The Dino URL:

    The easiest way to play the Dinosaur game online is by going to the URL: chrome://dino/. On this page, you will see the dino waiting for you with the "no internet" message.

    As you see the message you can press the space bar and get started with the game of jumping over cacti.

    Switch to Offline Mode in Google Chrome

    If you do not want to turn your WiFi off just so you can play the dino game, then you can run your Chrome browser in the Offline mode.

    For this, you have to press F12 and Chrome will open the Developer tools.

    In the developer tools, click on the Network tab and look for the dropdown saying No throttling.

    offline mode in chrome

    In the dropdown, you will find several other options along with Offline. So select Offline and now your browser will run with no internet connectivity, and therefore you can play the dino game.

    I hope you find this article useful. But please do not waste your time playing this game all the time.

    Expert technical writer who simplifies complex technological concepts for lay audiences. Focused on providing insightful analysis and entertaining listicles on a wide variety of topics in the technology sector.