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How To See Your iCloud Photos on Mac And Other PCs

Posted in General   OCTOBER 6, 2021

    See Icloud photos on Mac and PC

    Imagine this: You have just returned from a trip to the mountains and have clicked many many pictures there which you want to share with your family. But your phone is completely drained and as you are at a family gathering, you don't have your laptop around.
    Is there anything that you can do?
    The answer is yes, your iCloud Photos could come to the rescue.
    Here, in this article, you will find how you could access your iCloud Photos from other devices which could help you out in situations like this.

    How to Access iCloud Photos on a Windows PC

    You can access your iCloud pictures anywhere and on any device and this is one of its many great features. Yes, you can even access it on a Windows computer. Although it wouldn't run as smoothly as it does on a Mac or any other Apple device, you can get your work done at the very least.

    Using iCloud for Windows

    If you want to sync your Windows computer to your iCloud photos you will have to download iCloud for Windows. After installation, you can turn the iCloud on for it to start syncing:

    1. Just open the iCloud for Windows app.
    2. Sign in using your Apple ID.
    3. Turn on Photos by checking the box next to it.
    4. Click Apply.

    Next, Your Operating System will discern how you will view your photos.

    For Windows 10:

    1. Click the arrow in the notification area, at the bottom-right corner of your screen.
    2. Then, click the iCloud icon.
    3. Finally, click Download Photos.

    By Logging in to iCloud in your browser

    If you want to just check your media out for once and do not really want to sync your iCloud with other devices, you can just access iCloud photos through your web browser:

    1. On your preferred browser visit
    2. Log in with your Apple ID.
    3. Click Photos.

    How to Access iCloud Photos on Mac

    As you might expect, using iCloud with Mac is pretty easy and very convenient. You can set it up such that your photos and media are completely in sync. On the other hand, if you do not want to sync your Mac with your phone, you could simply watch the photos on Safari.

    Access iCloud Photos in the Photos app

    Access iCloud on Mac

    You could turn on the iCloud Photos in System Preferences if you want to make sure that all your recent media is always on your Mac. After you have set the System Preferences, iCloud will make sure that your Apple devices are updated with the media from all your other devices. You could follow these steps if you want to sync your Mac with iCloud photos:

    1. Just click the Apple icon on the top of your screen.
    2. Click System Preferences, then iCloud.
    3. Sign in with your Apple ID.
    4. Turn on Photos by checking the box next to it.
    5. Open the Photos app.

    Access iCloud in your browser

    Access iCloud through your browser

    If you do not really want to sync your devices, but just want to see your media on the Mac, you could just use Safari and follow these steps:

    1. On Safari, visit
    2. Sign in with your Apple ID.
    3. Click Photos.
    About the author:
    Expert technical writer who simplifies complex technological concepts for lay audiences. Focused on providing insightful analysis and entertaining listicles on a wide variety of topics in the technology sector.