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Significance of prefix 'b' in a string in Python

Posted in Programming   LAST UPDATED: JUNE 15, 2023

    If you know Python well, then this is something you must have already come across, but if you are a beginner then this article will improve your knowledge of Python datatypes.

    Let's start with a simple example, consider that you have two strings:

    my_string  = ‘A new string’
    # and 2nd string
    my_string_one = b’A new string’

    What do you think, is my_string and my_string_one different?

    No? Yes? Ok, here's a hint, the difference lies in the datatype.

    Let's check the type of both string variables,

    my_string  = 'A new string'
    my_string_one = b'A new string'


    <class 'str'>
    <class 'bytes'>

    In the output above, str means a literal that has a sequence of Unicode characters (encoded in UTF-16 or UTF-32, and this entirely depends on the compilation of Python) whereas bytes mean literals that represent integers between 0 and 255 (also known as octets).

    So, by adding the prefix b in front of a normal string, we changed its datatype from string to bytes.

    When do I use strings and when do I use bytes?

    In Python 2.x, both str and bytes datatype is a Byte type object but in Python 3.x this is changed now. The main difference between bytes and string is that byte is machine-readable and string is human-readable and eventually string is also converted into bytes for processing. When we create a bytes datatype object in Python that is directly stored on the disk while a string object is first encoded and then stored on the disk.

    Strings can be used to represent data like special characters, characters, words or almost anything in a human-readable form hence they should be used in programs whereas Bytes should be used to represent low-level binary data structures.

    Can I convert bytes to string and vice-versa?

    Yes, it is possible.

    The string can be converted to bytes with the help of a process known as encoding.

    Bytes can be converted to strings with the help of a process known as decoding.

    Consider the following example:

    'Öl'.encode('UTF-8')   # Output b'\xc3\x96l'
    len('Öl'.encode('UTF-8'))   # Output 3
    b'\xc3\x96l'.decode('UTF-8')    # Output 'Öl'
    len(b'\xc3\x96l'.decode('UTF-8'))   # Output 2

    In the code above, the first line prints a German word, note the 2 dots over the letter O. The length of this string is 2 i.e it has 2 characters.

    Since this is a string, it has been encoded using the encode() in the next line, which gives output b'\xc3\x96l'.

    The length of this encoded string is 3 bytes which has been represented in the third line of code.

    If we wish to convert a byte to a string, decoding must be done and that has been represented in the fourth line.

    The length of the resultant decoded string is 2 characters.


    The prefix 'b' in a string holds considerable significance in Python, affecting the way the string is interpreted and encoded. Whether it's for handling binary data, working with specific encodings, or maintaining data integrity, understanding the implications of the 'b' prefix is essential for Python developers.

    By utilizing this prefix, you can manipulate strings with diverse encodings and ensure the accurate representation of binary data. Python's flexibility shines through its ability to handle various data types, and the 'b' prefix adds another layer of versatility to the language's string manipulation capabilities.

    So, embrace the power of the 'b' prefix, expand your Python coding repertoire, and master the art of working with strings in different encodings.

    Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

    1. What does the 'b' prefix signify in a string in Python?

    The 'b' prefix in a string signifies that it is a byte literal in Python. It tells Python that the string should be treated as a sequence of bytes rather than a sequence of characters.

    2. When is the 'b' prefix used in Python strings?

    The 'b' prefix is used when working with binary data, such as reading from or writing to binary files, working with network protocols that require binary data, or when dealing with specific encodings like UTF-8.

    3. How does the 'b' prefix affect the encoding of a string in Python?

    The 'b' prefix indicates that the string is encoded in ASCII or another binary encoding, rather than a character encoding like UTF-8. It allows for the representation of non-ASCII characters and ensures data integrity when dealing with binary data.

    4. Can I convert a string with the 'b' prefix to a regular string without the prefix?

    Yes, you can convert a string with the 'b' prefix to a regular string without the prefix using the decoding process. You can use the .decode() method on the bytes objects to convert it to a regular string.

    5. Are there any performance implications when using the 'b' prefix in Python strings?

    Using the 'b' prefix in Python strings can have performance benefits when working with binary data since it avoids unnecessary string decoding and encoding operations. However, it's important to consider the specific use case and choose the appropriate encoding based on your requirements.

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    About the author:
    I love writing about Python and have more than 5 years of professional experience in Python development. I like sharing about various standard libraries in Python and other Python Modules.