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TypeScript vs JavaScript : Which is better ?

    difference between typescript and javascript

    Why was TypeScript developed while JavaScript already exists? What are the benefits of TypeScript and should it completely replace JavaScript?

    If you're curious to learn the answers, you've come to the right place!

    We will learn about the key difference between TypeScript and JavaScript. Additionally, this post will contain an example to illustrate important concepts, a comparison of their differences, and extra resources for prolonged study. Let us immediately begin!

    Why was TypeScript developed while JavaScript already exists?

    Difference Between TypeScript and JavaScript

    Although JavaScript was first created as a client-side programming language, its developers quickly discovered it could be used as a server-side programming language as well. As JavaScript evolved, it got more sophisticated and was unable to realize its full potential as a server-side technology at the corporate level. As a result of this gap, TypeScript was created. TypeScript is a superset of JS that was created to help big projects overcome code complexity. In essence, any JavaScript code is valid in TypeScript and is just JavaScript with extra capabilities.

    What Are the Benefits of Using TypeScript?

    Let's take a look at the extra capabilities of TypeScript that addressed many of the issues developers had with JavaScript.

    • Static Typing is an Optional Feature

    JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, which means that until runtime, the program will not regard type discrepancies as errors. This often resulted in a plethora of bugs and aggravation. TypeScript, on the other hand, supports optional static typing. Once static typing is defined, a variable retains its type and can only accept a limited set of values. The compiler notifies developers of any type-related problems (syntax or semantic), resulting in the identification of bugs early.

    • Early Detection of Bugs

    Let me discuss why this is such a significant benefit. With the compiler evaluating our code during development, warnings, and mistakes are captured for us, reducing the likelihood of problems and unexpected behavior at runtime. Checking for type correctness at build time also enables the confident reworking of code. In general, this functionality assists developers in avoiding unintentional errors that they would otherwise have to go through manually in JavaScript.

    • Enhancement of Readability

    Due to JavaScript's lack of readability enhancements, a large number of mistakes need human identification, which may take some time. On the other hand, TypeScript's static reading and interface improve code optimization. In TypeScript, an interface may be used to both describe and implement a type (string, boolean, integer...), resulting in a more informative codebase. Defined types and distinct categories for variable declarations enhance not just readability, but also the general stability of the code.

    • Optimization of the Code

    While JavaScript is missing many critical capabilities, TypeScript is said to have a more organized code base and object-oriented programming processes. Along with enhancing the quality of the code, TypeScript enables faster development via the following capabilities:

    • Type Annotation — verifies the value of each static type automatically

    • Generics – allow you to write a method in a more generic form.

    • API Documentation – Visual Studio code navigation enables developers to see parameter types and monitor variables automatically.

    • Intellisense is a term that refers to a set of abilities. Microsoft created a code navigation tool that includes auto-code completion. You may see the attributes and arguments of a method by hovering over its name. While the execution is far from flawless, it remains a viable edge.

    difference between typescript and javascript

    Take note of how JS is dynamically typed, while TS is statically typed — comparing and limiting the specified type's reassignment.

    Difference Between TypeScript and JavaScript

    Here is the complete difference between typescript and JavaScript -


    • Brendan Eich's (Netscape) design was launched in 1995.

    • A little scripting language that assists in the creation of dynamic web page content and is supported by all browsers.

    • Dynamic typing — imprecise typing (no option for static typing)

    • Ideal for modest projects

    • Can be used directly in browsers

    • By default, JS libraries work.


    • Microsoft was designed and launched in 2012

    • A superset of JavaScript designed to help big projects overcome code complexity (OOP language)

    • Strongly typed — accommodates static as well as dynamic typing

    • Ideally suited for big web applications

    • Converted to JavaScript code for browser compatibility (Transpiler)

    • Because it is a superset, it is compatible with all JavaScript libraries and other JavaScript programs.

    Difference Between TypeScript and JavaScript in Tabular Format

    As you can see below, how TypeScript and JavaScript are different than each other, check out the following detailed comparison of TypeScript and JavaScript -

    Feature TypeScript JavaScript
    Definition TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. JavaScript is a programming language itself.
    Typing TypeScript supports static typing. JavaScript is dynamically typed.
    Compilation TypeScript code needs to be compiled to JavaScript. JavaScript code is interpreted by browsers.
    Object-Oriented TypeScript supports classes and interfaces. JavaScript supports object-oriented programming through objects and prototypes.
    Tooling TypeScript has better tooling and IDE support. JavaScript has less tooling and IDE support.
    Code Size TypeScript code is larger due to type annotations. JavaScript code is smaller due to no type annotations.
    Error Checking TypeScript catches errors at compile time. JavaScript catches errors at runtime.
    Browser Support TypeScript code can be transpiled to run in any browser JavaScript can run natively in any browser.

    Should We Abandon JavaScript in Favor of TypeScript?

    With all of these additional fancy capabilities, shouldn't we simply abandon JavaScript entirely and adopt TypeScript for our projects? To be brief, the answer is no. TypeScript is not a substitute for JavaScript and is not appropriate for all project types. JavaScript is the industry's most popular client-side scripting language. Because JavaScript is executed directly in the browser, it simplifies the process of running, refreshing, and debugging tiny code portions. JavaScript is an excellent option if you value freedom since it enables you to build functionality without adhering to strict restrictions. However, if you're working with a large codebase that you wish to standardize while emphasizing performance, TypeScript is your best option. As your code develops in complexity and gets more difficult to maintain, the likelihood of mistakes increases, which is preferable to be detected at compile time.

    difference between typescript and javascript


    We've discovered that TypeScript was created for big applications and that it trans-compiles to JS, which also has an OOP language structure that supports its capabilities (like classes, interfaces, namespaces, and inheritance). TypeScript is an easy-to-maintain language that is excellent for code structure and increases project efficiency.

    This filled in the gaps and addressed a number of the issues that developers were encountering with JavaScript. Additionally, we discussed why JavaScript is still favored for simple online applications, while TypeScript remains the best option for large projects. While not every developer needs knowledge of TypeScript, it is good to have some expertise.

    Frequnetly Asked Question(FAQs)

    1. Is TypeScript better than JavaScript?

    TypeScript and JavaScript serve different purposes, with TypeScript offering additional features such as static typing and advanced OOP concepts. The choice between them depends on the needs of the project and the developer's experience and preferences.

    2. Is TypeScript easier than JavaScript?

    TypeScript can be more complex than JavaScript due to its additional features, such as static typing and interfaces. However, for developers who are already familiar with object-oriented programming concepts, TypeScript can be easier to use and can help catch errors during development.

    For those who are new to programming, JavaScript may be easier to start with. Ultimately, the ease of use depends on the developer's experience and the requirements of the project.

    3. Why use TypeScript instead of JavaScript?

    TypeScript offers features like static typing and advanced OOP concepts, making it useful for large-scale projects to catch errors and improve code structure. However, JavaScript is still widely-used and may be better suited for smaller projects or simpler requirements.

    4. Should I skip JavaScript and learn TypeScript?

    Skipping JavaScript and going straight to TypeScript is not advisable, as TypeScript builds upon the fundamentals of JavaScript. Learning JavaScript first will give you a better understanding of programming concepts, and since JavaScript is widely used, it is beneficial to learn. However, if a project requires TypeScript's features, it may be worth investing the time to learn it.

    Adarsh Kumar Singh is a technology writer with a passion for coding and programming. With years of experience in the technical field, he has established a reputation as a knowledgeable and insightful writer on a range of technical topics.