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All questions must be answered. Here are the Answers given by this user in the Forum.

Or alternatively you can use cpuid program, it must be in debian repository. It dumps every possible info about your CPU with some explanations, so you don't get those obscure flags.
3 years ago
After installation you can run:
***groff -pet -ms -Tpdf in.troff > out.pdf***
3 years ago
If you have sysfs mounted, which you should by default, you can find the temp readout in **/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zoneX/temp.**

On my machine the following did the trick
***$ cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
$ cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/temp
$ sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +27.8°C (crit = +105.0°C)
temp2: +29.8°C (crit = +105.0°C)***
3 years ago
*(md5, sha256, sha512)*
***openssl passwd -6 -salt xyz yourpass***
Note: passing -1 will generate an MD5 password, -5 a SHA256 and -6 SHA512 (recommended)
3 years ago
I wrote a bash function that can show you all the colors, if this helps.
***function colorgrid( )
while [ $iter -lt 52 ]
if [ $seven -gt 250 ];then seven=$[$seven-251]; fi

echo -en "\033[38;5;$(echo $iter)m? "
printf "%03d" $iter
echo -en " \033[38;5;$(echo $second)m? "
printf "%03d" $second
echo -en " \033[38;5;$(echo $third)m? "
printf "%03d" $third
echo -en " \033[38;5;$(echo $four)m? "
printf "%03d" $four
echo -en " \033[38;5;$(echo $five)m? "
printf "%03d" $five
echo -en " \033[38;5;$(echo $six)m? "
printf "%03d" $six
echo -en " \033[38;5;$(echo $seven)m? "
printf "%03d" $seven

printf '\r\n'
3 years ago
***grep --color -E "test|$" yourfile***
What we're doing here is matching against the $ pattern and the test pattern, obviously $ doesn't have anything to colourize so only the test pattern gets color. The -E just turns on extended regex matching.

You can create a function out of it easily like this:
***highlight () { grep --color -E "$1|$" "${@:1}" ; }***
3 years ago
xwrits available in the standard repository is another one.
***Description: reminds you to take a break from typing
xwrits helps you prevent repetitive stress injury.
xwrits is a small reminder program designed to let you know it is time
to take a break from typing to rest your wrists and prevent any damage
to your wrists (or at least make them feel better if you've already
damaged them). Normally works on the honor system, but if you find
yourself unable to stop typing during your break, it can also lock your
3 years ago
I believe you wrote the .cpp file on the Linux server, and now you want to get the file from the Linux server to your home computer, and then from your home computer so that you can submit it to your class's website.

To get the file from the Linux server, first find out where the file "lives". So, whilst SSH'd into the Linux server, do this:
***$ readlink -f path/to/your/*cpp

The resulting path points to the file.

Now on your home computer, secure copy (scp) the file from the server:
***$ scp /home/rschulj/homework/foo.cpp ~/foo.cpp***
3 years ago
at attempts to parse the date and time given and runs it through mktime() with "Daylight Saving Time" set to -1 (not available, auto-detect).

at source code:

***tm1.tm_isdst = -1;
t = mktime (&tm1);
man 3 mktime:***

**So mktime()** decides whether DST is or is not in effect; and it seems to prefer the later date out of two possible choices (although it's not clear from documentation how that decision is made).
3 years ago
Nobody knows except those who set up the firewall rules for "your network".

Both ssh and torrent connections can be filtered, but the actual rules don't mention "P2P", nor do they care how you define "P2P.

And if the ssh request just hangs, then yes, very likely it's filtered somewhere.
3 years ago
If you don't need exactly 45 days, but "one and a half months" will do, then a straightforward method would be to run at the beginning of the month every three months, and at the middle of the next month after each of those:

***0 12 1 1,4,7,10 * /path/to/script
0 12 16 2,5,8,11 * /path/to/script***
For general arbitrary intervals, the other answers are obviously better, but 45 days sounds like it's based on the length of a month anyway. Human users might also be more used to something happening in the beginning or the middle of a month, instead of seeing the exact date drift a day or two each time.
3 years ago
Try this: copy the text to the clipboard as usual, and then use the shortcut shift+insert to paste it into Google Docs. Or ctrl+v.
3 years ago