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All questions must be answered. Here are the Answers given by this user in the Forum.

Hey, HI The code your trying is correct.But,you have to change the order of the output.

let john = true;
let thor = 'asgard';
let falcon = 1001;
let ghost;

console.log(typeof ghost);
console.log(typeof john);
console.log(typeof thor);
console.log(typeof falcon);
2 years ago

CSS transition-duration

2 years ago

CSS transform property

I am rotated

I am skewed

Translate me!

Scale me!

2 years ago
let myvehicle = "car";
let weather = "rainy";

if(weather=="rainy") //This line checks for weather is rainy or not if yes we enter into this block else we check else if condition
if(myvehicle == "car") //This line checks myvechicle is car or not
console.log("I go to the office");
else if(myvehicle == "bike") //if myvehicle is bike we will get the below text as output
console.log("I Work from home");

else if(weather!="rainy") //if weather is not rainy we will get the below text as output
console.log("I go to the office");
2 years ago