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All questions must be answered. Here are the Answers given by this user in the Forum.

Here is the working code:
let course = {
name: "JS Course",
duration : "15 hours",
price: 499,
discount: "100%"

for(x in course)
console.log(`${x} is ${course[x]}`);
9 months ago
Hey there, do you need help with this exercise?
9 months ago
Try this code:


CSS transition-duration

9 months ago
Constants are fixed values that do not change during the program's execution, while variables are storage locations that can hold different values during the program's runtime. Constant is definitely not variable.
9 months ago
You can add image into HTML page as follows:


9 months ago
Please specify the level and lesson you need help with. Thanks!
9 months ago
Try this code:

int main() {

float x = 70.5;
int y = x;
char z = y;

printf("z = %c", z);

return 0;

10 months ago
Try this code
package main
import "fmt"

func division(x int, y int) {
var result float64
if y != 0 {
result = float64(x/y)
fmt.Printf("The result for division of %d by %d is %0.2f",x,y,result)
} else {
fmt.Printf("You cannot divide a number by 0")

func main() {
// call the function
division(12, 4)
10 months ago
10 months ago
Try this code:


<br /> My Webpage Title<br />

10 months ago
Try this code:


int main() {

int x;
char arr[10][12];
printf("%d", sizeof arr);

return 0;
10 months ago
Try this code in lesson 1 to move to the next one.
package main
import (

func main() {
fmt.Println("Enter a number:")
myReader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
userInput := myReader.ReadString('\n')
10 months ago